Perhaps you are planning to ring in 2022 with a renewed commitment to quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more, and not worry about the small stuff. And maybe these New Year Resolutions are just like those you made last year!
So what can you do to make sure your resolve to get healthier in 2022 lasts past Valentine’s Day? By creating new habits. New habits take time and energy to establish, but you’ll find you may benefit from them pretty soon.
As you begin to exercise regularly and engage in stress-relief activities regularly, you’ll notice that stopping will leave you feeling a little off-balance. You’ve got great reasons to continue. Nudging yourself in the direction you want to go is a great way to get results. Using the following five ideas you’ll surely be able to create long-lasting change.
Take a lesson from the past for your New Year Resolutions
Take a moment to think about what you did and did not do when you didn’t succeed in meeting your New Year Resolution. Each mistake is a lesson learned. The project may have been too daunting. If so, scale back to a more manageable undertaking, or break the big project into smaller segments. For example: when committing to 30 consecutive minutes of exercise doesn’t seem to work on busy days, divide the time into three 10 minute walks: one before work, one during lunch, and one after work, or similar alternatives.
Be aware of the reasons you can’t make a change
You may not be able to muster enough willpower or self-confidence to take a hard right towards change until you grasp why you are sticking to old habits and routines. Unhealthy behaviors such as overeating and smoking have immediate, pleasurable benefits as well as negative side effects. Think about the pros and cons of a change carefully. If the balance of pluses and minuses tilts enough in your favour, adopting a new behaviour is more likely to succeed than standing still.
Take small, manageable steps toward your big dreams
Take small, incremental steps to accomplish your New Year Resolution. Don’t ignore easy choices because they build confidence to tackle and succeed at more challenging ones. Watch for surefire bets. Reaching first base can build your confidence to tackle and succeed at more difficult tasks. Do not underestimate the power of simple choices. It’s a proven fact: when you start every plan with “Make a list,” you’re more likely to cross one-off. Therefore, breakdown difficult jobs into smaller chunks, and enjoy tackling easy tasks first. For example: If you plan to learn Indian Classical Music online then break down your task into smaller steps. Start with looking for sites online and then filter the search options based on your requirements. There are many sites online such as Indian Raga that can help you grow and learn new skills.
Don’t limit your dreams
Achieving audacious New Year Resolutions are appealing. We all like to set challenging goals. Want to run a marathon or triathlon? Lose 50 pounds or just enough to fit into clothes we once loved? With determination, encouragement, and support, you can achieve all your dreams. You are likely to attract the support of others nearby when you have an ambitious goal. Some will cheer you on and some will lend a hand in more practical ways, such as training alongside you or taking on tasks you normally handle.
Appreciate what you do for your New Year Resolutions
Set your sights on completing that marathon, not on running it. If you aim for completion, even if you walk half as much as you run, you’ll be a winner. With exercise & so many other goals – you’ll have a great time no matter how little you do. If your goal for the day is to work out for 30 minutes at the gym, but all you are able to squeeze in is 10 minutes, be thankful for that. Maybe tomorrow you’ll be able to get more done.
Even though making a change might seem daunting, it is not impossible. No activity is ever worse than none. Give yourself a medal. Blast your favourite song each time you cross 5,000 steps. Do not wait until you’ve run your goal marathon or lost every last ounce before you acknowledge your success. Healthy lifestyle changes are often incremental thus, celebrate your progress as you take small & big steps along the way.