Thyroid Cancer – Mutations that you must be aware of
Well, we are all aware of the fact that “cancer is a deadly disease”. But, just imagine what happens when cancer cells attack the thyroid gland. Sounds scary right? Yes, cancer leaves you hopeless and your self-confidence breaks from its core. However, it is a must for all to know about various mutations that are carried by thyroid cancer.
So, this article is all about the important facts about cancer mutants that affect the lives of thousands, and HCG Hospital’s stand for it.
Thyroid Cancer – Can leave you in awe
The neck in its front part carries the thyroid that seems like a butterfly from its shape. As a crucial organ, the thyroid is responsible for carrying out important activities in the body. The thyroid gland secretes numerous hormones that work for managing heat in the body as well as monitoring the usage of oxygen. But, serious ailments like, “thyroid cancer” form as soon as mutation occurs in the cells.
Similarly, the changed cells increase their number and keep on multiplying at a faster pace. So, the large lump of abnormal cells slowly and gradually turns into a tumor. One must note that thyroid cancer, if detected in its initial stage, can be treated properly.
Also Know: Can Smoking Cause Thyroid Cancer?
Thyroid Cancer and Its Types
As per the researchers, four various thyroid cancers can affect you. These are:
- Follicular thyroid cancer
- Anaplastic thyroid cancer
- Papillary thyroid cancer
- Medullary cancer
Thus, all these four have different ways of formation and intensity of growth.
Important Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer
A victim of thyroid cancer must remember that it is a disease that can’t be traced normally. Further, this signifies that at the initial phase of thyroid cancer it doesn’t reflect any symptoms and thus makes it too difficult for the patient.
But, as soon as thyroid cancer starts developing there are certain problems that the victim faces. These problems are:
- Severe pain in the neck can indicate that you have become the victim of that disease.
- If there is a lump in the neck, then it can be understood that thyroid cancer is already developed.
- The problem in swallowing the food properly can be another symbol too.
- Thyroid cancer is often followed by a cough.
- At times, the victim can also feel that there is a slight change in their voice. This is a small indicator of the disease.
So, proper monitoring of the activities of the patient must be done to avoid big casualties.
Main Causes of Thyroid Cancer
Truly, there is no specific reason for becoming a victim of thyroid cancer. But, the specialists of the top hospital in India, i.e. The HCG Hospital of Ahmedabad has noted down some of the main causes contributing to thyroid cancer.
- Exposure to Radiation is dangerous
In case, radiation treatment is given to someone during their childhood, then he may be the victim of thyroid cancer later.
- Syndromes carried by the genes
Cancer can be inherited by the means of DNA. It means that people can fall for the cancer as it is transmitted through family members as well. However, as the abnormal cells go on increasing, cancer turns violent.
- The deficiency of Iodine is a problem
Some specific types of thyroid cancer can create trouble if you lack iodine in your meal. This simply means that the chances of experiencing cancer can get too high in this situation. Fortunately, the people of the United States don’t catch up with thyroid cancer much as iodine intake is sufficient in their diet plan.
So, these causes mustn’t be taken lightly and proper change in the lifestyle can be much beneficial in this situation.
Thyroid Cancer and Its Mutations
There is a special kind of gene, named as “Mutated BRAF gene” that is present in thyroid cancer. Obviously, genetic mutations are dangerous and it passes on from one member of the family to another. However, three RAS genes create the point mutations in thyroid cancer patients and among them, NRAS is the common one. Further, the trace of RAS genes can be seen to be present in 10 to 20 percent within the papillary thyroid carcinoma. Adding to that, in thyroid cancers that are not much strong, these mutations develop up to 25 percent.
It is the follicular variant under which the RAS mutant genes are formed. Studies show that various mutants can contribute to the enlargement and differentiation of thyroid cancer. But at last, it remains a very serious disease every time.
Common Risks Associated with Thyroid Cancer
As understood from the previous paragraphs, thyroid cancer is a very strange disease and carries some risks with it. Some of the risks associated with thyroid cancer can be summarized below:
- The age group of 25 to 65 is the best age for the formation of papillary thyroid cancer. After 50, the body becomes weak and this disease can be too complicated to handle.
- Patients having a record of bearing goiter have a high risk.
- Some kinds of mutations that occur through genes can be possibly much irrelevant. Mostly, medullary thyroid cancer passes on in this way. Just proper observation can help in this case.
- Thyroid cancer is found in people who are prone to obesity. Now, this is dangerous as an overweight patient feels this disease only at the last stage.
Best Treatments for the mutants of Thyroid Cancer
There are many treatments that the patient with thyroid cancer can opt for. However, this will depend on the patient’s cancer and its extent. Following are the treatments that the patients can rely on:
- Therapy that can replace the Thyroid Hormone
Doctors of the top hospitals recommend having a replacement of the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland to ensure the damage of the cancer cells in them. At times, even medicines are prescribed for killing the abnormal cells. Knowledge of the perfect dosage is demanded here.
- Means of Radioactive Iodine Therapy
Iodine presence in a larger amount is mostly targeted towards the thyroid cells. That is the reason, thyroid cancer develops. Surgery is done along with therapy to remove the cancer cells in this case. The victims feel this treatment is smooth and are often recommended pills after that.
- Chemotherapy
Usually, chemotherapy is the most common treatment for any cancer patient. It is used for thyroid cancer’s victims as well as this initiates the death of unwanted cells shortly. Anaplastic thyroid cancer is something that is treated by this method.
- The implication of external beam radiation
Targeted cancer cells that have formed their base surrounding the thyroid gland are treated using external beam radiation. Certain cancers like anaplastic as well as medullary that are adapted to RAI treatments are damaged with the help of this radiation.
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