The ultimate diet plan to get results in the gym

Clean eating is the most effective weight loss diet ever created. It’s all about enjoying delicious, nutritious food in a way that will help you lose weight or maintain your healthy body mass index. Clean eating is about keeping an eye on what you eat by choosing whole foods and ingredients over processed foods. With that, you can also get the help of a personal trainer in Oakleigh for better assistance and proper diet management.
The principles are simple
- fill your plate with fruits, vegetables and lean proteins (like chicken breast or fish),
- avoid food with added sugars or saturated fats,
- keep portions moderate and make time for exercise.
The goal is to feel the best version of yourself; you need a kick start. Even if you’re new to cooking or just feeling swamped right now, this easy-to-follow meal plan is for you. The focus should be on simple recipes with short ingredient lists and plenty of pantry staples. Whether you make one recipe or more, this gym diet plan for beginners provides inspiration and motivation.
What is a clean-eating diet for gym beginners?
The ultimate clean-eating meal plan does not include processed foods, added sugars, trans fats or saturated fats. This meal plan is excellent for beginners, as it is a simple way to start cutting out unhealthy eating habits and losing weight. Still, it’s also flexible enough for experienced gym-goers looking for new foods and inspiration. If you’re trying to lose weight with this clean-eating diet for gym beginners, aim to eat around 1,500 calories per day (use our calculator below to figure out how many calories you need). If you’re trying to pack on muscle without adding so much fat, you can’t see your abs keep eating around 2,000 calories daily.
What foods should you eat?
A healthy diet for gym beginners should consist of a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat. A great way to get this balance right is by eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. It means not eating highly processed foods and avoiding packaged junk food. That’s why, if you’re struggling with your weight and feel like you’ve tried everything without any results, it’s time to change the way you look at food, change your mindset around what is healthy and figure out how to eat the foods that will help you lose weight.
Beginners at the Oakleigh gym should consume about one gram of protein per pound of body weight, most of it from chicken breasts, whole eggs (and egg whites) and lean cuts of meat. Carbohydrates can be obtained from white potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice (white and brown), oats, vegetables and fruits. And for fat, most of it will come as a by-product of your protein foods. You can also get fat from avocados, nuts (such as walnuts or almonds), nut kinds of butter, seeds (such as sunflower seeds), and small amounts of oil such as coconut or olive oil.
How much should you eat?
To determine what foods to eat, you first need to know how much to eat. Track calories and macronutrients consistently for two weeks. For muscle gain, consume 14–18 calories per pound of your body weight; for fat loss, opt for 10–12 calories per pound. To gain muscle, start on the lower end of the spectrum for protein intake and the higher end for fat intake. Start with a slightly lower protein and higher fat intake for fat loss. Consume 1–1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight and 0.4 grams of fat per pound. Carbohydrates significantly impact body weight due to their effect on insulin, which can cause muscle or fat gain depending upon its levels in the bloodstream.
To support your training and maximize results, you should be consuming the correct number of carbs in the right amounts. To gain size, consume two grams of carbs per pound of your body weight. For example, if you weigh around 200 pounds and want to gain size, you should aim to consume about 400 carbs each day. To lose fat, consume one gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. A person around 200-pound should eat about 200 grams of carbohydrates each day.
What should you eat before a workout?
The timing of one’s workout determines what should be eaten before a workout. Water is acceptable if you are training in the morning, and black coffee can also be consumed. If you had dinner the night before, there is no need to refuel further as amino acids (components of protein) and carbohydrates would have been stored in your body overnight. On the other hand, if one is training in the afternoon or evening, 25 grams of protein and up to 50 grams of carbohydrates can be consumed 1 hour or more before a workout to give you energy to power through it.
What should you eat after a workout?
After a workout, your muscles need nutrients to begin the recovery process. The amount of protein and carbs you should eat is still a debate, but most nutritionists agree that consuming some at this time is better than none. A 2-to-1 ratio of carbs to protein—such as another 50 grams of carbs and 25 grams of protein—will give your body exactly what it needs.
A protein shake works best here since it digests quickly, getting the nutrients to your muscles fast when they need them most. However, whole food can also work if you’re short on money. One or two pieces of fruit are enough carbs to prevent muscle breakdown and will jump-start growth. Combine fruit with lean meat for an ideal post-workout meal.
By “workout”, it means weight training; if this means doing cardio first thing in the morning, then you don’t need any specific menu before or after that session because your body burns more calories from fat if you don’t eat beforehand.
There’s much to consider when figuring out the best gym diet plan for beginners for your goals and physical situation. To give yourself the best chance of success, you should experiment with different meal plans and workout routines until you find something that meets your unique needs. That being said, this gym diet plan for beginners can be used as a solid foundation for a weight-loss or muscle-gaining regimen. It provides a starting point from which to work toward achieving your goals. However, to boost your fitness journey, you can take the help of fitness professionals with the required skill set and equipment to back your weight gain or loss regime.