Essential Marketing Lessons for Your business in a post-COVID world
Essential Marketing Lessons for Your business in a post-COVID world
Like many readers reading this, I’m writing(Buy Facebook Likes) this blog post from a place of self-isolation.
This is not due to any virus-related symptoms – but thank goodness – but simply since this has become the current reality of our professional and personal lives for the moment.
On behalf of the WSI members, we wish you’re well and that you continue to follow the precautions recommended by your doctor.
They were announced in mass, from sports events to conferences and even flight cancellations during the last few weeks. COVID-19 has created chaos around the world, and as we adapt, businesses worldwide, including our own, are facing new challenges.
Working remotely (for those companies that could) was among the first steps to preventive measures that businesses implemented. We, too, have decided to encourage social distancing. But the worry for business owners across the globe is more than clean and limits social interaction.
Smaller businesses have difficulty figuring out how to ensure their brand’s visibility in terms of revenue, traffic (both digital and physical), and relevance when their target audience is occupied with stockpiling toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
Despite the overwhelming fear and uncertainty, it is not the right time to promote your business while burying your head in the dirt. Although no one was prepared for a disaster like this, you’re it or not – prepared to market your business in a post-Coronavirus environment.
Let’s look at some of the best methods for your customer communication, marketing strategy, and expansion. We’ll also look at some excellent and less-than-great examples of companies’ choices to tackle the epidemic.
1. Refrain from Denial Marketing
As I mentioned earlier, now is not the best time to advertise your business by putting your head in the dirt. Although some of us may need a dose of normalcy, pretending that nothing is happening is dumb and perhaps irresponsible.
Reconsider your social media updates scheduled for the day. Review the content that you have written and any previously scheduled campaigns. Conducting a 360-degree review of the content plan and reflecting is crucial in the current digital world. Posts that appeared okay a few days ago may be considered uninformed today.
2. Avoid marketing tactics that exploit the emotional state of the Mind
Perhaps a little more controversial than denial-based marketing or fear-based advertising is fear-based business marketing.Cheap marketing strategies to draw customers to your business are dangerous in the current market.
One of the most unfortunate examples in recent times is recent reports of price slashing by both retail stores that are offline or online. This ad (source) from an unidentified third-party seller on Amazon advertised two bottles of 236 ml of hand sanitizer at $99.99.
Making money from artificially increasing prices for essential items in the face of a global pandemic is just bad business. And fortunately that both governments and retailers.
Such as Amazon, have been delaying these accounts and imposing massive penalties in some instances. People will be able to remember how you manage your marketing during this period. Bad brand associations could cause irreparable harm to your business’s reputation and operations. Take your time.
3. Re-examine and revise your Advertising Budget
In any situation of crisis – especially one that has international quarantine guidelines, it’s crucial to minimize the number of unnecessary expenditures.
The goal is to trim your budget without causing lasting harm to your client base. However, businesses need to make intelligent decisions and follow an effective Coronavirus marketing strategy. Re-evaluate your spending on advertising and make adjustments in line with the changes.
For instance, restaurant owners who are concerned about temporarily shutting down their dining spaces may want to increase the number of targeted ads on social media to advertise the delivery services they offer (or affiliation with third-party applications).
Your company needs to know what you’re looking for. A clear understanding of your customers’ motivations is essential to reducing your costs in the event of a mass epidemic.
An excellent example of well-judged advertising spending can be seen in the St. Patrick’s Day ad from Guinness. Naturally, the St. Paddy’s Day celebrations have been reduced because of the epidemic. Guinness has, however, shrewdly taken this opportunity to push positive and unifying messages.
“Whether you are planning to celebrate safely at the pub or host a party at your home if you can invite your guests to be relatives or friends, You’ve already won. If you decide to raise one pint of Guinness, encourage each other to raise your glasses.” Check out the full commercial below.
4. Continue to implement SEO strategies and Competitive Research
Even if there’s no crisis to deal with, This is typically beneficial advice for companies. Follow the basic principles of SEO and try to increase your website’s organic reach by updating your website’s title, headers, and meta-tags. Update outdated content with new information and backlinks relevant to your site.
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It is also crucial to use this time to keep watch on your competition. Try to find out what areas they lack that could be crucial for customers who tend to isolate themselves. This information can be utilized for your competition ads retargeting efforts.
5. Increase Customer Service through Social Media and Alternative Technologies
Naturally, the general anxiety causes interruptions to branding communications and messages. Recently, it was reported that WestJet had experienced 10-hour call center wait times in the chaos. This is a valuable lesson in anticipating changes to your customers’ behavior and understanding how they could affect your service levels.
Utilize a range of social media platforms to enhance services to your customers. JetBlue is one example. JetBlue has utilized Twitter to inform customers of essential policy updates to the changing needs of their customers.
Of course, this can be extended to other platforms too. Based on your company, it may be necessary to use video calls to conduct sales and conferences. Let your customers know that you’re committed to providing the services they depend on and protecting their health and your own.
6. Explore new platforms to Expand Your Reach
With most people living in isolation at home, solutions that can make quarantine less stressful will likely be in greater demand.
Streaming services such as Netflix, cable providers, and gaming companies could increase users. Podcast creators, YouTube, and Instagram content creators are likely to see many more people watching at home, eager and ready to watch new content.
Make time to think about what your company could do to create content on platforms you’ve not previously utilized. Uploading photos to Instagram, sharing Insta-stories, and writing informative articles or videos can help increase your reach organically and keep you prominent among people actively searching for new content.
7. You should think twice about cutting back on Digital Completely
Companies that ultimately limit their marketing due to COVID-19’s economic effects could have more complex than ramping up their business once the market is more stable.
This could be necessary to change where your money is being spent (one instance could be Facebook to do some inexpensive B2B advertising); however, it’s possible to be strategic about your marketing budget to minimize the negative impact on your company.
A well-balanced mix of SEO strategies, new media communications strategies, engagement initiatives, and targeted ad spending can assist your business in creating lasting relationships with customers that last longer than any pandemic.
How WSI is Managing COVID-19
Like the majority of the clients we work with, companies. Our team is adopting social distancing and working remotely to aid in reducing the curve. WSI continues to hold virtual meetings across the network during the coming days to minimize disruptions to our customers.
Our goal of providing the best digital solutions that meet your specific business requirements is the same. We’re determined to help your company adapt to a post-coronavirus environment as effectively and as safely as it is.
If you have questions about the right marketing strategies that can aid your business in surviving the disease, don’t hesitate to ask the nearby WSI Consultant.
In the meantime, be careful of yourself and care for one another.