Studying NEET in times of COVID-19
Studying in times of COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus pandemic has flipped our world upside down. You’re probably feeling the effects of this global pandemic right now, no matter where you are. Perhaps you’re working from home, caring for family and roommates, or even home-schooling youngsters while attempting to keep the household afloat. We’ve all found it difficult to study at all during this period of uncertainty. While these concerns and anxieties may appear insurmountable at times, one thing is certain: we all need each other. We are more connected than ever before, even while we are imprisoned inside our houses and distributed around the world. best platform for neet preparation
If you’re having trouble finding study motivation, like me, here are some suggestions and advice:
- Be kind to each other and, most importantly, to yourself.
- Finding methods to be kind to ourselves and the people around us daily is crucial. Make yourself a hot drink, register up for an online yoga session, and use video calls to keep in touch with pals. Prepare nutritious meals and stick to a regular sleeping schedule. Take an extra-long bath or read that book you’ve been meaning to read.
- Prioritize what is important right now: your and your loved ones’ physical and mental wellness.
- Understand that the most essential issue is not whether you can revise that additional article or pack another chapter into your schedule. Make your health a major priority, not only physically but also mentally. To communicate your feelings and thoughts, keep a journal or talk to close ones on a regular basis. Remind yourself that you can only provide your best effort.
- Utilize all available digital resources, such as the Digital Library.
- Don’t have unrealistic expectations. Instead, keep things in perspective and strive for consistency.
- Use this time to communicate with other students on the internet.
- Do not attempt to maintain the same level of efficiency as before the crisis. It takes time to form new habits. If these adjustments take a bit longer than you expected, don’t get frustrated with yourself. We’re all juggling a lot of things at the same time, and worry and frustration are understandable in these circumstances.
- Allow yourself time during the day to stay on top of your studies and to settle into a new habit.
- Find techniques to keep oneself motivated. To rekindle your interest, go over old papers and previously modified materials, or look up similar video lectures online. Make an effort to set aside enough time each day for this, and designate a space in your home for learning.
- Consider how the present situation connects to your chosen field. Every subject gives an aspect to assess responses from world powers to the coronavirus epidemic, new global legislation, implications on the global market, or societal impacts, regardless of what you studied, from economics to law, medical, or sociology. You might want to write about it in your tests. This demonstrates your capacity to think critically and creatively while implementing a current issue.
Tips for Studying NEET from Home
You may find yourself less driven or productive for a variety of reasons. Some of you may be dealing with COVID-19-related anxiety in addition to academic stress. To maintain focus and adopt these tried and proven tactics in this new setting, studying at home will demand more effort than usual.
We’ve included some distance learning recommendations below to help make this challenging transition a little easier.
Establish a Routine
Treat your study sessions at home as if you were in a library or a classroom. Establish a routine for waking up, freshening up, having breakfast, and dressing. A routine can help you organize your life and communicate to your brain that it’s time to start working.
Have a Dedicated Study Area
When studying from home, creating a physical barrier between your study location and your leisure area can help you stay focused. This can also assist you to manage your academic stress while you’re studying.
It’s a terrific start if you always have a workstation in your bedroom. De-clutter the space using a little Marie Kondo to make more space for your books, laptop, and other study gear. Remove anything irrelevant to your test preparation from your study time.
If you don’t have a workstation in your bedroom (maybe because you share a counter or desk space with others), designate a separate study location. During your study time, make sure it’s clean, clutter-free, and typically silent. Also, when you’re finished, remember to remove all of your study guides so that the room may be put back to its rightful use. It’s a good idea to put your NEET, JEE, or other exam study materials in a portable container, such as a crate, bag, or small box, so you can keep things together and travel between spaces effortlessly.
Take Notes for Online Classes
To avoid being distracted, put your phone aside, turn off message and social media notifications on your desktop, and shut irrelevant online pages. Taking notes during online classes can keep your hands busy and assist you to focus on the material of the lesson.
Keep a Routine for Physical Activity
Set break times for your study session (i.e. every 45 minutes) to get up, move around, and activate different parts of your brain. You can stretch, do a set of jumping jacks, walk around the room, and take a look at the view outside the window.
Don’t Forget Your Social Time
Set aside time throughout your study session to get up, walkabout, and activate different portions of your brain. You can exercise, do jumping jacks, move around the apartment, and gaze out the window.
Create a Schedule and Share It
Make a list of everything you need to get done in the next three days and break it down into little activities to finish each day. Breaking down a large activity into smaller portions will help you feel less overwhelmed and more inspired to complete it! You can also keep yourself accountable by sharing your study schedule with your pals (study buddies!).
It’s critical to inform anyone else in your household about your study schedule, whether it’s a set period throughout the day or a chunk of hours on specific days. This will allow you to focus in peace and will hopefully prevent you from being distracted.
Eat Well, Sleep Well
When you’re studying, choose healthy snacks and make lunches that won’t send you to sleep. Getting at least 7-8 sleep time each night can enable you to wake up and feel rejuvenated and ready to begin your day’s studies.
Multitasking should be avoided.
You can schedule chores during your less productive hours of the day.
Set up your timetable so that you may focus on one item at a time (studying, chores, unwinding, exercising) and know that you’ll have time later to finish the rest of your tasks.
Tune out distractions
Prep yourself with some earplugs and your favorite studying music if you find yourself needing to shut out the noise generated by others in your home. Instrumental music—for example, classical, jazz, and lo-fi hip hop—works well as background music, drowning out distracting sounds while also creating a stimulating backdrop for studying. Experiment with several genres to find out what works best for you.
Concentrate throughout the times you’ve set aside for studying. Your study time will be more effective if you are focused and dedicated. It’s fantastic if you go beyond your permitted time. Your intense concentration enabled you to study extra harder and prepare much more than you had intended. Take a quick break to stretch, breathe, or have some refreshments if you’re having trouble concentrating.
Reward yourself
Concentrating on studies throughout a pandemic, especially while under isolation or shelter-in-place orders, is challenging. Reward yourself if you’ve accomplished to study and concentrate for the length of your goal time! An additional hour of binge-watching your favorite show, an indulgent dessert, a nap, or anything else you enjoy may be the reward. This will foster strong study habits while also providing a well-deserved reward.
Keep reading
Keep reading, whether for enjoyment or reference. On standardized tests, reading has been shown to aid with vocabulary, language, and comprehension. It will also assist to keep your mind active during downtime.
Set realistic goals
Make careful to create targets that you can reach when creating your study plan. You may fail to meet and lose motivation if you plan to study for 3 hours a day while also managing a full-time job that you’re now trying to perform from home.
Always keep in mind that studying is difficult. How you cope with them is an important part of the learning process. You will overcome this obstacle as we continue to study for tests. Consider it an opportunity to recommit yourself to your education and personal ambitions.
Become your own biggest fan and congratulate yourself on every success, no matter how minor, until you’re giddy with delight.