
Questions Asked from a Car Accident Victim

A road accident is indeed a very unfortunate thing to happen to anyone. This question allows the witness or victim to recreate the accident as they remember it, focusing on important parts and ignoring other parts they may not fully remember.

Since there is a legal process of interrogation, one can always choose to remain silent until they have hired a lawyer because everyone involved in the accident has a right to an accident attorney.

What should be the first course of action?

Even though an accident is an unpredictable and uncertain moment in one’s life, and the fact remains that nobody can prepare you for it, one should always try their best to think clearly in such a situation. 

  • The immediate course of action one should take is to check up on all the fellow passengers who were riding along with them. After checking for their vitals, healthy or not, the individual should not lose clear sight.
  • The next important step is to call 911 as soon as possible. Getting help is as necessary as it could be in such a situation. After calling 911, all the individuals must wait patiently for the help to arrive.
  • In the light of such events, it is hard not to feel anxious about the future, but one should remember that panicking will not make anything better and rather is more likely to worsen the situation.
  • Once the on-scene formalities have been taken care of and you have received proper medical care if the situation arises, you are allowed and rightful to appoint an accident attorney for yourself.

What are the questions that one shall stay prepared for?

As discussed before, the police need to do their job to investigate and conclude any sort of mishappening that occurs under their area of supervision Tracking witnesses is an important first step in reconstructing the events of an accident.

Below are the questions we ask when first meeting with a car accident client. One of the purposes of the initial consultation is to discuss the details of the client’s car accident by asking some basic questions about the accident. This meeting helps us to decide whether we should represent the client and if so, evaluate the strength of their case. Firstly, note that there is no way of avoiding these questions because, at the moment, every person would have the right to remain silent and ‘invoke the fifth,’ but as soon as you get your lawyer, the investigation would have to continue.

  • So, the first and the most important question that is asked from a victim involved in a car accident is the details as to ‘how’ and ‘where’ did that accident happen. This question is straightforward, but the individual should always remember to stick to one story since the beginning of the investigation.
  • ‘Were you seated as the driver or as a passenger?’ Whether or not you were wearing one. And whether or not they were in a usable position.
  • The interrogator can also ask you whether you saw the incoming vehicle beforehand, and if you answered yes, how much before?

Summing it up

The investigation and interrogation are a normal part of the process of the system and nothing to panic about. Just remember to follow the advice of your accident attorney and answer everything with nothing but the truth. This question may help the police officer establish where the witness or victim was when the accident occurred so that they can determine how the accident happened. If, for example, many witnesses were all at different places when the accident occurred, their combined testimony can be used to reconstruct an entire scene from multiple vantage points.

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