How to tell the difference between Skin tags,Moles and Warts

You might be confused about whether you have a skin tag, mole, or wart. There are many types of skin lesions. You may find it hard to distinguish among them, but it is necessary to know which kind of lesion you’re suffering from. Is it just like a normal one or an indication of some cancerous disease?Consult us before getting the mole removal treatment in Dubai to know your skin condition in detail.
What are Warts?
A small colourless growth that looks like a small cauliflower deep in the skin is called a wart. Wart is of rough texture, feels dry and cracked. Warts usually appear on the thick skin areas like hands, under feet and knees. Warts are caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus). They are contagious and have no hair growth.
Their presence in your body indicates that you have come in contact with or met someone with the infected skin or wart virus. Or you have used someone’s belongings like a towel, brush, and clothes.
Reasons to remove Warts.
Though they’re transferable but are harmless, most warts go away themselves. Still, if they cause health concerns and irritations, they need to be removed as soon as possible.
There may be the following reasons that people want to remove them:
- People want to remove warts to prevent them from spreading to different body parts and different people.
- Warts need to get removed if they are the reason behind irritation and discomfort. They also might have been linked to many other cancers like throat cancer.
- Warts are also sexually transmitted viruses that can cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, and various cancers.
- They need to get removed as quickly as possible if they are the reason behind a person’s discomfort, low confidence, and embarrassment.
Warts Removal in Dubai
Cryotherapy is the most common and efficient warts removal technique which aims to destroy the targeted skin tissue (warts) without harming the connective ones. Cryotherapy primarily works on the freezing process, which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze warts to a temperature cold enough that they fall off. The freezing technique is painless, much more effective, and minimally invasive.
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are benign colourless growth on the skin’s surface. They look like hanging skin and are most likely to appear on the skin with the most friction. Unlike warts, skin tags don’t lie deeper into the skin, are non-contagious, and are soft.
Skin tags cause no harm. They are not by birth but grow with age in most men and women.They usually appear on the body parts with most skin-to-skin friction, like armpits, groin, the neck, and under the breast.
Reasons to remove skin tags.
Skin tags are harmless and can’t become dangerous over time, so there’s no need to remove them. But dermatologists recommend removing them for health concerns.
- Multiple skin tags are usually associated with hypertension, diabetes, lipid disorder, Crohn’s disease, and many other problems. So, people having various skin tags do need to visit a dermatologist to check them out.
- You need to see a dermatologist to remove it if your skin tag changes colour or shape.
- The patient needs to remove the skin tags if they cause discomfort, pain, and irritation when rubbed by the clothes and jewellery.
- People who are uncomfortable having skin tags, feel less attractive and less confident should go for skin tag removal in Dubai.
Skin tag removal Dubai
Cryotherapy is a freezing method to treat skin tags. The cryotherapy technique uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tags until they fall off. The therapy blocks the blood supply to skin tags by breaking down the collagen fibres and cells, resulting in the skin tag falling off naturally. The patient may feel discolouration and irritation after the treatment, which is rare. You might need to get another treatment if the first treatment didn’t work well enough to fall it off.
Excision is another technique used to remove skin tags. The dermatologist removes the skin tag and cuts off the blood flow. The excision method involves numbing the area and then using a surgical instrument like a sharp circular blade to cut the skin tag. The wound gets closed with the stitches afterwards.
What are Moles?
Moles are the small dark brown-coloured growth on the skin surface. They usually appear on the most exposed skin area, caused when pigment-producing cells grow in a cluster or group.
Moles are soft, are not contagious, and lie deeper into the skin. The causes behind warts are heredity factors and sun exposure.
The majority of people have up to 40 moles since childhood which fade away or change their appearance over time. Mole removal treatment in Dubai is cost effective.
Reasons to remove Moles.
- Moles are often harmless but can be cancerous. It would help if you saw the dermatologist for mole removal to determine whether it’s an indication of cancerous disease or can become cancerous.
- You need to remove a mole if you have multiple ones and feel uncomfortable having them.
- A mole should get fired if you notice a change in its colour, size and shape.
- Moles should get removed if they appear on the face or visible area and you do not like having them.
Mole Removal treatment in Dubai
Benign mole removal in Dubai is performed using the following four techniques. Each procedure begins with local anesthesia, so the mole comes off easily without discomfort.
The electrosurgery method uses electrical current by radiofrequency devices to burn off the mole. Electrosurgery doesn’t leave a significant scar.
Cryotherapy is based on the freezing technique, which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the mole until it naturally falls off.
Excision treatment stops the mole’s blood supply and cuts it off with a circular blade. After that, the dermatologist stitches the wound.
This technique shaves off the mole through a bladed surgical instrument.Mole removal treatment in Dubai uses techniques to shave off mole.
Conclusion Part
Having moles, warts, and skin tags are normal and harmless. But they need to be treated and removed if they cause irritation and discomfort. tag removal in Dubai would be a beneficial treatment to get rid of the pain and cancerous moles.