
How to score high in exams: preparation tips for students

In the education system, we learn and grow, along with teaching and learning, exams play a crucial role. To check and assess how well students understood and comprehended what has been taught to them, exams are conducted for students. To make students actively involved with their studies, check their performance, improve and ensure academic and professional success, exams help students in several ways. 

All students aim to score high in the exams. While some succeed in this and some don’t. And this happens because of the learning and lifestyle habits one follows. Let us discuss some effective learning preparation tips and lifestyle tips that all students must follow to score better and higher in the exams. 

Exam preparation to follow  

 1.Ensure to have proper clarity on the syllabus

To score high in exams, students need to have a proper understanding and clarity of the concepts on the syllabus coming in the exams. This means all your doubts and queries should be properly resolved. Many students fear asking doubts from the teachers. But this must be avoided. Attend the classes regularly and ask whatever doubts you have from the teachers. While listening to the teachers, you can also prepare class notes on the answers and explanations given by the teachers to your doubts. These notes can be used for future reference and effective revisions. 

  1. Revise, revise and revise more 

Only single-time learning of the chapters is not enough to score high in the exams. To ensure that you don’t face any trouble in recalling and remembering the answers in the exam, you need to have repetitive learning and revisions. Follow a proper study timetable which helps you to wind up the lessons and syllabus timely so that you are left with enough time to revise as much as possible. During revisions, re-read the lessons, learn and review your subject notes again and practice the different questions and exercises. 

  1. Solve sample papers 

To have an idea about exam patterns, types of questions asked, solving sample papers, and previous year question papers helps a lot. All students must solve these papers to prepare well for the exams. This helps students to check how much they know and what more needs to be done for improvement and betterment in the exam preparation. 

  1. Start early

Last-minute exam preparations or only starting learning when exams are quite near are least effective. This just leads to stress and doesn’t give you time to complete the syllabus properly and also you are left with no time to revise. To avoid this happening with you, start your exam preparation well in advance and study regularly. 

Lifestyle tips to follow 

  • Do any physical activity every day

During exam time you need to stay active physically as well as mentally. And in this regard, all students must do any form of physical workout every day. From your busy schedule, take out some time to have a quick workout session of any activity you like and enjoy. 

  • Meditate 

Exams bring along a lot of stress for students. The exam fear, vast syllabus, and preparation problems make students feel more stressed. To avoid this excessive stress, students must meditate. Meditation helps students to stay calm and composed. Along with it, the focus and concentration power of the students is also enhanced which helps them to study better and more effectively and stay physically and mentally fit. 

  • Eat healthily 

Healthy eating habits are very important. During exam time you need to take care of your health and not fall ill. To do so, healthy eating habits are very important. Avoid consuming junk food and unhealthy beverages. Ensure to have a balanced and highly nutritious diet. This will keep you fit and active. 

  • Maintain a proper sleep schedule

For preparing well for exams, this habit will surely help you. To keep you active and learn better, your mind and body need rest and proper sleep too. All students need to have a proper deep sleep of six to eight hours every night. Also remember to go to bed early and avoid using social media, watching movies and series till late at night. to Sleep on time so that you wake up early too and study effectively throughout the day. 


Exams play an important role in the academic success of the students. All students aim to score high in the exams. And to do so, students need to follow some right learning and lifestyle habits. All the above-mentioned tips will help in this regard. By following these tips, students can stay consistent with their exam preparation and we also discussed some lifestyle habits that will help students to stay active, fit, and prepare more effectively for exams. 

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