How do you know that you’re at the end of the separation phase of a twin flame journey?

If you have already met your twin flame, you are aware of how unique and intense this connection is compared to anything else you have ever encountered in your life.
Twin flame relationships have the ability to upend and transform our lives.
Rarely do souls meet in this way. Each stage of twin flame relationships can feel both wonderful and terrifying because many people never have one in their physical lifetime.
How do twin flames work?
While there are several allusions to related ideas from antiquity, most scholars think that Plato is responsible for the conception of the twin flame theory as we know it today. He proposed in “The Symposium” that all souls begin as one but are later divided into two mirror souls that long for fulfilment forever, leaving us all in quest of our twin flame.
Additionally, your twin flame may not really be your genuine love, at least not in a romantic sense. Not simply romantic partners, but also friends or relatives may be in a twin flame connection.
And although discovering your twin flame connection might be really rewarding, don’t look for it irrationally in order to feel whole! Most individuals live fulfilling lives without ever having a twin-flame relationship.
It’s crucial to understand that twin flames are distinct from soulmates.
Throughout our lives, soulmates might come and go, but we can only ever have one twin flame. Even yet, many individuals will never come upon theirs.
Equally, since twin-flame partnerships need intense spiritual labour and karmic cleansing, the type of unconditional love experienced in such relationships is not necessarily something to be admired.
Sparks fly as twin flames combine, but like other fires, this one needs to be tended to in order to prevent burning down anything around. This requires serious inward reflection, which isn’t always simple to perform.
It may take a certain degree of spiritual maturity to make this connection, so it’s normal to have periodic doubts about whether you’ve connected with your twin flame.
If you believe this to be the case, a love reading with Keen, our psychic partner, may help you find the answers to your most urgent concerns.
Twin Flame Stages
All relationships are special and have their own individual journeys, but twin-flame connections do have a specific storyline.
A twin-flame relationship has eight phases, however various partnerships may have distinct subtleties in each.
Understanding and appreciating each stage of your trip is essential to this process since each one is as crucial to the next.
Here are the 8 phases of twin-flame partnerships so you can comprehend what you’re going through.
1. Desire to find “The One”
This first phase starts with a revelation or a sense that something is lacking from you. You always have a nagging feeling that there is a piece of you out there somewhere, waiting to be discovered.
Since you can be missing the other half of yourself that clarifies things, it might be difficult to make sense of this sensation.
Instead than seeing this stage as a time of loneliness or desire, it is crucial to see it as an opportunity to be ready for the next phases. By assuming control over your inner-soul and loving yourself first, you may prepare yourself for this relationship.
2. Running into ‘The One’
As you initially meet your twin flame, you may experience great excitation or drunkenness during this time.
Frequently, this will be a fleeting sight of your true love. Or, in a dream, you could experience overwhelming awe or delight or tremendous curiosity as you want to learn more about this creature.
It is crucial to recognise that this stage might occur without our complete awareness since dreams often stay in our subconscious.
Even though this meeting will have been planned before your physical existence, when you see your twin flame in the actual world, it always seems like an accidental encounter.
You’ll be drawn to this individual by an unexplainable attraction. To avoid discounting them at this point, it’s critical to have faith in your soul’s intuition.
Contact a Keen expert adviser if you’re uncertain about whether you’ve found your twin flame.
3. Discovering love
You’ll fall hard for this individual when you do. And good luck making an effort to stop it! To reach this point, it can take a few meets and interactions, but you’ll know it when you do.
You’ll fall more and more in love with your twin flame as you get to know them better. It may sometimes be disorienting; you could feel absolutely beyond yourself or lovesick without any apparent reason.
Don’t be shy; this is a great period. It is an experience of a lifetime.
4. The optimal connection
You will definitely get into a relationship, regardless of who your twin flame is or what part they play in your life.
Your twin flame will find a way to occupy a significant role in your life, whether it be a love attachment like you have never known before or a closest friend that is constantly by your side.
There is a spiritual connection here that is stronger than any physical allure. You will be able to meet each other’s spiritual needs in a manner that has never been done before.
Think of it as a taste of heaven that, in many ways, defies belief.
5. There is unrest
Egos start to emerge as soon as the first encounter’s ultimate thrill fades. Cracks develop due to underlying personal problems and anxieties.
It is natural that certain exterior contrasts may seem to tarnish your inner relationship since you are two souls who have been experiencing distinct lives and lives with separate people.
Frequently, our twin flames serve as mirrors that reflect our darkest wants and aspirations back to us. Your twin flame can be explosive with their feelings while you might be emotionally restrained.
In this sense, our twin flames push us and make us confront those aspects of ourselves that we’d prefer not look at.
Even while it may seem terrible, this is truly a transformational phase. an opportunity to accept who we really are in order to change and become who we want to be.
6. The “chaser” and “runner”
One or both of you will want to flee when things become tense. This may be a turbulent phase, whether it involves emotionally withdrawing from a circumstance or physically running away from one another.
It’s possible for one of you to withdraw while the other holds on and attempts to do the same. On other instances, you two can grow apart before slingshotting back toward one another.
If not handled appropriately, this “trial by fire” might break even the strongest of ties. Some twin-flame couples suffer harm in this period that never heals.
Contact a Keen expert adviser if you need assistance navigating a twin flame relationship.
7. The giving up
The grief from the past is much simpler to let go of once you accept and welcome differences.
You may share your wounds with your 111 angel number twin flame and with yourself as you learn to face your darkness, and you can both heal from the inside out as a pair.
In this phase, your ego vanishes and your spirit enlarges, creating space for development and advancement. This is a chance for a fresh start, a chance to accept the healing rather than conflictual role you play in each other’s lives.
There may still be a few kinks to work out, but it should be much easier to accomplish this now.
8. The Gathering
You reach a stage of deep reunion when the fires are incorporated as the issues in your relationship start to diminish. This resembles returning home—both to one another and to oneself.
Everything the twin flames are designed to teach us is contained in this stage. These connections aren’t supposed to be hot and painful. There would be no benefit to being in one if that were the case.
Instead, they are intended to stoke our spirits into a state of acceptance and self-love. You both must get rid of anything that prevents you from expressing yourself in order to do this.
You and your 1010 angel number twin flame are one in your purest form. Therefore, once you reach this, all egos will have vanished as a result of channelling your common power.