How Cannabis Helps in Treating Diabetes

Most people consume marijuana, or weed, for leisure purposes, but the chemicals found have medical potential. Does cannabis have the potential to be used as a diabetes treatment?
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a term that refers to a range of metabolic disorders. Diabetes is a disease associated with a lack of insulin production or a lack of insulin response in the body resulting in elevated blood glucose levels. Many people across the globe have diabetes, which is a chronic disease with no cure. However, there are methods to manage and treat the symptoms.
The body does not generate insulin in type 1 diabetes, and it does not make enough insulin in type 2. People with type 1 diabetes must undergo insulin injections and blood sugar checks for the remainder of their lives and adhere to a strict diet.
Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not generate enough insulin or when the body does not react effectively to insulin, as in type 2 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes must reduce weight, exercise, and consume a nutritious diet while carefully watching their blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetes is progressive, which means it grows worse through time and eventually requires the use of insulin.
Being overweight is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes, and individuals with a bunch of abdominal fat are especially vulnerable.
Diabetes is a metabolic disease, and although there is no known treatment for type 1, symptoms may be reduced by eating a nutritious diet, keeping a healthy weight, and exercising.
Is there a connection between marijuana and diabetes, then? Is marijuana beneficial to people with diabetes?
This article will look at how medical marijuana’s therapeutic qualities may help individuals with diabetes by relieving some of their symptoms.
Marijuana for Diabetes
Marijuana, according to one of the first significant studies released by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC); may provide the following advantages to PWDs (people with diabetes):
- Regulates blood levels (proven by a growing amount of independent findings among diabetic patients).
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect that may alleviate some of the vascular inflammation associated with diabetes.
- It has “neuroprotective” actions that prevent nerve inflammation and decrease neuropathy pain.
- Muscle cramps and the discomfort of gastrointestinal (GI) problems may be relieved with “antispasmodic medications.”
- helps to maintain blood arteries open and enhance circulation by acting as a “vasodilator.”
- Lowers blood pressure throughout time, which is vital for people with diabetes.
- Using cannabis butter and oil instead of regular butter and oil in meals “improves cardiac and vascular overall health.”
- It alleviates neuropathic pain by applying lotions to the hands and feet.
- Aids diabetics with “restless leg syndrome” (RLS) and helps them sleep better: Vaporizer or smoked cannabis can help patients fall asleep.
These are all supported by evidence, which has been verified and expanded upon over the last decade.
Reduced Risk of Obesity
One of the top risk factors for the prevalence of diabetes is being fat or obese. Cannabis has been shown in research to minimize the risk of obesity, which lowers the risk of diabetes. For example, a 2013 research of 4,600 individuals found a link between lower waist circumference and cannabis usage; including 600 present pot users and 1,900 former users. Individuals who were still smoking pot at the time of the research had a waist size of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) smaller than those who were not. This result backs previous studies that showed individuals who use marijuana had a reduced risk of obesity than those who do not.
Improved Insulin Sensitivity
The capacity of the body to utilize insulin properly is critical for good health. People with type 2 diabetes, on the other hand; have a body that is less vulnerable to the concentration of insulin and therefore less receptive to it. Researchers showed that users’ fasting insulin levels were 20 percent lower than both previous users and nonusers in significant research. Insulin resistance levels were also 20 percent lower than average in this group.
According to the findings of a 2016 research including individuals with type 2 diabetes who were not on insulin; a version of the cannabinoid THC had the following effects:
- a substantial reduction in fasting blood glucose levels
- enhanced insulin production
CBD Hemp Oil for Topical Use
A 2014 research discovered that using a topical marijuana therapy with CBD and THC decreased symptoms for subjects with peripheral neuropathic pain. People may administer these cannabinoids topically to their hands and feet using a spray to alleviate the discomfort and tingling feelings associated with diabetic neuropathy.
Through weed delivery Santa Monica, you can get CBD and hemp oils, lotions, and balms in various flavors. People should always buy goods from a reputed vendor and see a doctor before using them to verify that they are safe. When marijuana is stored in moist places, harmful molds may grow, causing severe lung illness.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Diabetes, as well as other chronic illnesses, are influenced by inflammation. According to a 2015 study, CBD’s anti-inflammatory qualities may be used to treat the inflammation that leads to diabetes and some of its consequences.
Anti-Retinopathy Protection
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of visual loss in diabetics. According to animal studies, CBD therapy for 1 to 4 weeks may significantly reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a frequent diabetic consequence. It is a kind of nerve injury that most often affects the legs and feet. Neuropathy is frequently excruciatingly uncomfortable, and in rare instances, it may be deadly. Inhaling cannabis may offer several periods of relief from diabetic neuropathic pain, according to the authors of a 2015 study.
Final Thoughts
Is marijuana effective in the treatment of diabetes? Marijuana and diabetes is a topic being researched in the medical world because there is encouraging evidence that it may assist with diabetic symptoms, but it is not without dangers.
You should never attempt to self-medicate with marijuana, and you should see your doctor about the best ways to manage your diabetes before purchasing marijuana delivery.