Premenstrual syndrome, or premenstrual tension, is characterized as a range of behavioural, psychological and physical symptoms that occur in the second half menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually appear within a few days after ovulation and peak around 4-5 days before menstruation. They then disappear. Normal is the time between menstruation (or next ovulation) and when you feel your period. Pop over to this website for the best homoeopathy treatment.
Although it is not known exactly what causes premenstrual symptoms, there are several possible factors.
- Hormonal changes cause cyclic symptoms. Premenstrual syndrome symptoms change with hormonal fluctuations and disappear with pregnancy or menopause.
- Brain chemical changes. PMS symptoms could be caused by fluctuations in serotonin (a brain chemical called a neurotransmitter). Premenstrual depression can be caused by a lack of serotonin. It may also lead to fatigue, food cravings, and sleep problems.
- Depression.
Signs and Symptoms:
Although many symptoms and signs could indicate premenstrual problems, most women only experience a handful of them.
Emotional and behavioural symptoms
- Anxiety or tension
- A depressed mood
- Crying spells
- Mood swings, irritability, or anger
- Food cravings and appetite changes
- Insomnia
- Social withdrawal
- Poor concentration
- A change in libido
Signs and symptoms of physical illness
- Muscle or joint pain
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Signs and symptoms such as weight gain, pedal oedema and swelling of breasts.
- Breast tenderness
- Acne flare-ups
- Diarrhoea or constipation
- Alcohol intolerance
Some people feel that the emotional and physical stress caused by these symptoms can be severe enough to impact their daily lives. The majority of symptoms disappear within four days, regardless of their severity.
A small percentage of premenstrual syndrome sufferers experience disabling symptoms each month.
PMDD symptoms and signs include mood swings, anxiety, anger, depression, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty concentration, irritability, and tension.
- Psychotherapy can be useful in cases of conflicts about menstruation or femininity.
- Medicines to control water retention, anxiety, and depression
Today, homoeopathy is a fast-growing system that is being practised around the globe. Its strength lies in its holistic approach to the sick person, which promotes inner balance at all levels, including spiritual, mental, and physical. There are many effective remedies for premenstrual syndrome in Homoeopathy. However, the choice depends on the individual patient and their mental and physical symptoms.
Diarrhea before menses. You cannot wear tight clothes around the waist. Between menstruation, there are signs of menses. Sensitive and absent-minded.
Breast tender before menses. Headache, colic and chilliness. Thick, milky, and gushing leucorrhea. Itching and burning sensations in the genitals, both before and after menstruation. Angry, and worse in the evening. Depression. Feelings of doubt or melancholia. Chilly people. Sweaty scalp. Seeking out indigestible foods, such as dirt, chalk, coal, and pencils. People who are fat and flabby, and who catch a cold easily.
Breasts grow and become more painful during and after menses. It gets worse with each step. Willing to press hard on breasts with one’s hand. Small red, reddish, and burning pimples appear after menses.
Emotional disturbances. Highly emotional and moody. Sobbing and sighing. Inward weeping, enjoys being sad. Silently contemplating. Want to be alone. Aversion to company. More destructive than a consolation. Suffering from constant frustration. Conflicts with herself internally. Melancholic, sad, and tearful.
High mental and physical tension. Tension in different parts. Headache that occurs before menses. Headache is caused by vertigo and dim vision. The flow can relieve ovarian and uterine pains. You can’t bear to hold on to anything. The body feels hot. Feeling of constriction in the throat and abdomen. A lot of loquaciousness, rambling, jumping from one topic to the next, then sadness, and so on.
Introverted and depressed. Irritable. Consolation aggravates complaints. Seems to want to be alone and cry. Cannot let go of the pain. Acne breakouts before menses. Oily skin. Natrum muriaticum is known for its cravings for salt and salty foods.
Changeable moods. Weeps easily. Weeps easily and is moved to tears by menses. Cries easily and enjoys company. Mild, timid and emotional. Solitary or suppressed periods. Seeking fresh, cool air. Hunger with almost all complaints. Rich foods, fats and pastries, desserts, ice cream, and rich foods can make it worse.
Mood swings Irritable, sensitive, angry, easily offended, and miserable. Indifference or sulking can alternate with irritability. She is sad about her domestic and health affairs. Abhorrence to do any type of mental or physical labour. Aversion to the family and those you love most. A weak uterus that is dragging or bearing down the sensation as if all would escape through your vagina. Acne is worse than menses.
Menses are associated with depression, restlessness, coldness and tenderness of the spine. Dry cough during and before menses. Menstrual flow is the best time to complain about your symptoms.