
From Castile Soap to Bug Spray, Get Ready for Spring Fun with These Natural Body Products

The snow is melting, and the days are getting longer. That means one thing: spring is here! With spring comes a lot of fun and adventure. The warm weather lets you get outside more, while the refreshing season encourages you to commit to deep cleaning. When you are engaging in these springtime staples, there are a few natural body products that can help make your experiences even better. From castile soap to keep you fresh and help you clean tough stains to a natural sunscreen for the sunny days ahead, try these natural body products this spring.

Essential Oil Tick Repellent Is Perfect for Hiking Adventures

Springtime is the best time to hit the trails. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and it’s not too hot. The air is refreshing after a winter spent indoors. You’ll want to get outside more often, but one thing that might rain on your hiking parade is a bug bite. Nobody likes getting bitten by a bug or a tick. Grab a bottle of essential oil tick repellent and slip it into your bag to shoo away flies, ticks, and mosquitoes.

An essential oil tick repellent should utilize an effective blend of herbs and essential oils to keep bugs away. The natural ingredients should be safe to apply directly to your skin, and the product should be free of synthetic chemicals. The right products can help you spend time outside with your family with confidence. There will be less suffering through itchy bites and annoying buzzing around your head. No matter how effective your products are, don’t forget to always check for ticks!

Start Your Spring Cleaning Right with Castile Soap

After you’ve finished your hike, you can start on one of the universal spring activities. There is nothing quite like spring cleaning. You get to hit refresh on your living space and welcome the new season with a clutter-free and clean home. While cleaning, you will have to tackle different stains, grime spots, and dirty areas. A great way to tackle these problems is to use a multi-use natural castile soap.

Castile soap is commonly diluted and used as a body or hand soap. It’s great for keeping you clean and fresh after spring adventures. It also has many uses in the house! This versatile soap makes it easy to tackle different cleaning jobs with only one product. You don’t have to switch between bottles after every cleaning task. Just add 1/4 cup of castile soap to a quart of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and you’re ready to start spring cleaning. Castile soap might be the most useful and versatile body product out there!

Travel Essentials for a Spring Vacation

After you finish all your cleaning, reward yourself. A spring break vacation is one of the best parts of the season. Before you go, make sure you have a few natural essentials in your bag.

For starters, you are going to want some hand sanitizer. Whether you like a scented or unscented version, a high-quality hand sanitizer can help kill any germs you come into contact with on your trip. Secondly, a travel-sized skin moisturizer is a must-have on your journey. Your skin might not be used to the different moisture levels in the air. A dry skin moisturizer with calendula can help prevent dryness and add moisture to your skin, keeping you feeling great on your trip. If you’re flying, pay attention to what you can and can’t take with you in your carryon bags. But if you’re driving, fill a bag with everything your family needs.

An Animal First Aid Salve for Your Furry Friends

You aren’t the only one who is excited for the good weather to come this spring. Undoubtedly, your pets are just as excited as you are. They are ready to get back to the days of rolling around in the grass and chasing squirrels. However, in their adventures, they can experience a few bumps and scrapes. That is why you should have an animal first aid solution on hand.

A salve for your pets can help with scratches and other minor injuries. Look for a product that contains yarrow. Yarrow helps cleanse and acts as an astringent. This means it can help treat the effects of cuts and scrapes. Grab a salve that is portable so you can take it with you on walks and trips to the dog park. This way, you can help soothe any scrapes your furry friend gets during their playtime.

Sun-Time Products for Those Sunny Days

Finally, as the days get longer, you are going to want to have natural sunscreen on hand. Whether you are heading to the beach or just want to be protected on a sunny day, natural sunscreen is an integral part of every body care routine, no matter the season. Natural ingredients in your sunscreen can combine to nourish your skin and protect you from damaging sun rays at the same time.

One of the best ingredients to look for in a natural sunscreen is non-nano zinc oxide. Basically, this ingredient can help provide SPF 30 protection without using harmful chemicals or ingredients. An excellent natural sunscreen also contains coconut oil and shea butter to soothe your skin.

Spring is an exciting time. You can get back to all your favorite outdoor activities and enjoy some refreshing time in the warm sun. With all these natural body products, your spring events can be better than ever before. You can fulfill all your spring body and house care needs with natural products that aren’t harsh on your family or the environment. So grab your castile soap and natural sunscreen and get ready to make it the spring of your dreams.

About Green Goo

Green Goo is taking skin and body care back to their roots through purposeful, plant-based ingredients and time-honored traditions. They’ve crafted a wide range of personal products with powerful natural ingredients. These thoughtfully sourced products are created with a slow infusion process that delivers relief and protection to your skin. From essential oil tick repellent to tattoo ointment, there is something for everyone. Whether you are a new mom, an avid hiker, a pet owner, or just a skincare enthusiast, Green Goo has something to help you look and feel your best. Philanthropy and humanitarianism are two of the philosophical cornerstones of Green Goo. They are always looking to pay it forward and make a difference in the world.

Explore natural products perfect for spring from Green Goo at

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