Fire Accident Prevention is a Must, Firewall is the Best Addition
Fire is a dangerous entity. An uncontrolled fire can consume everything on its path. Observing the widespread devastation caused by wildfires, we can witness the extent of damages that fire can cause if left unchecked. Vast expanses of forest and vegetation become extremely dusty and dehydrated in the dry season. A small spark can start a fire. This fire can continue for hours and days if left untreated. Since the area surrounding the fire is dry and scorched, the fire travels across distances fast. Within a short period of time, a wide area can become as barren as a desert.
On a much smaller scale, building fires can also be as disastrous. They can cause great damage to property and even claim lives in some cases. As always, prevention is the best cure when containing the source is such a challenge. With the increase in the number of sources of possible fire breakouts, the need for fire safety has also increased. Fire safety is now an indispensable element during building construction or decorations.
Some of the precautionary measures for fire accident prevention are:
Fire exits or escape routes –
To leave a burning vehicle or building, a fire exit is of utmost importance. Buses have a fire exit window at the end. People away from the door can have a closer exit that way. Every building must have an easily accessible escape path in case of a fire.
Smoke-sensors –
Having smoke detectors can greatly minimize the response time. Hearing the sensors blaring will automatically make residents or people, in general, find a safe place. This can be either a terrace or an area outside the reach of the fire.
Smoke- suppression methods –
Extinguishing fire is not an easy task but managing the smoke in the air after it is an even more challenging task. Smoke in the air will obstruct the view. People looking for the exit may completely miss it if they cannot see ahead. The smoke needs to be cleared as quickly as possible for the rescue operations to proceed smoothly.
Experts –
Consult experts for guidance regarding fire safety. Experts are more familiar with common situations during fires and will be able to offer useful insight. The local fire department should be more than happy to assist for a small fee, if any at all.
Fire drills –
These are exercises that recreate the situation of a fire breakout. The smoke alarm goes off at an unexpected time. Everyone in the building must evacuate immediately without any chaos. People should exit the building in an orderly manner to prevent any unwanted casualties or stampedes. Through fire drills, people get familiar with the process of evacuating the building. They also get acquainted with the fire exits and escape routes.
Flame retardant materials –
Surfaces such as wood and paper are highly combustible. That is, they catch fire very easily. Materials that are capable of resisting the spread of fire are known as flame retardant materials. Incorporating flame-retardant materials in the interior as much as possible will help in controlling the fire.
Firewall technology embedded plywood by CenturyPly is the best choice you can make in making your home or environment safer against fire damage. Firewall technology is a new technology developed by CenturyPly to make safer plywood without altering its appearance. This technology uses nano-particles as the preventive fire measure. The tiny particles are added to all the layers in plywood. CenturyPly special firewall technology plywood does not catch fire easily. Even when it does, it diminishes the spreading power and capacity of the fire. With the Firewall plywood, fire will spread slowly. This will give more time for people to evacuate and get to safety.
These are all just fire accident preventions to reduce the chances of fire and the damages caused by it. The fire department must be informed at the earliest so that they can handle the situation professionally.