
Comparative Analysis of Aussie Single Mattresses in Singapore Market

1. Introduction

Today, I am going to show two Aussie single mattress from two different stores: one a top seller, while the other being a typical supplier of Aussie single mattresses that are sold in local stores. These mattresses are quite similar in dimensions but quite different in other features, such as firmness, type of base support, fabric used, brand, and how ‘local’ it is in terms of its presence in Singapore. Both these mattresses are medium firm support. One has an ‘individually wrapped internal spring’, while the other has a 4-inch thick ‘pocketed spring’ with Euro top design. Find out how these two Aussie single mattresses compare with each other in an objective assessment of these mattresses.

Relocating to a different country comes with its challenges, and one of them is trying to equip your home with similar, or at least somewhat similar, types of furniture and household items as in your own country. But if you’re not a finicky shopper and a realistic individual, you can find similar quality items within your new country of residence that suit your budget. If you are an Australian, European, or American expatriate residing in Singapore and looking for a single mattress for the children, whether local or expatriate, you can find the straightforward Aussie single mattresses sold in Singapore.

1.1. Background of Aussie Single Mattresses

Mattresses play a huge role in the initial early development stages of any child. Many young children spend more time sleeping throughout the five years of university education. Therefore, the choice of mattress is very important because comfort, support, and excellent condition can have a direct bearing on a child’s health, mood, and development. The better sleeping habit and body posture of a single should be watched in all of its growing stages. So, In this research, we would recommend an Aussie Single Mattress to the Singapore market which is the optimum mattress that supports sleep quality through various aussie size mattress, style options, and customizable needs. For the customers who are picky and would like to see the real mattress, we will showcase the real mattress through a strategic location. This proposal will bring about customer satisfaction in the best sense of satisfaction as they can select and feel the comfort and support of the mattress and enjoy 100 days of sleep trial with a free return policy.

Singapore often leads the world in international educational scores from PISA and TIMMS. The large percentage of the student has tuition after school because we believe that the sure way to success is to cram as much learning as possible into the student’s heads. Even in university education, it seems that the more hours one studies, the better it is. But there is a different approach to the role of learning. Rather than stuffing knowledge into an overcrowded cranium, it is suggested that one stands back and let the learner’s develop a creative and innovative mind. Our view of education is reflected in the kind of mattresses we provide for our children. Although a King Single Mattress is best suited for university students, many parents buy Super Single Mattress so that it will last for the young adult who has become bigger and taller. Bonnell Spring Mattress provides firmer and better back support this could lead to the success of child welfare concern. In this paper, we will find that Aussie Single Mattress has its best feature that suits those students who carry the stress all the time. We compare the constant variable of different type of mattresses features through a real showcase. The best part that we will identify is through customization, good sleep and style options.

1.2. Significance of Studying Aussie Single Mattresses in Singapore

Coincidentally, with the currently sluggish global economy and increasing attention to environmental impacts, modern purchasing decisions have been placed under the microscope. The buyers of both durable and non-durable goods have become more diligent over the factors that need to be considered before making a purchase. In this case, mattresses are inherently part of those so-called durable goods that require justification by the purchasers. Individuals in developed countries are willing to spend a big share of their income to purchase good quality mattresses as they are more environmentally conscious and concerned about the true value of life that is related to the preservation of mental and physical well-being. Studies attempt to establish the linkage between external attributes of mattresses and what matters for good sleep quality and conclude that mattresses are important commodities used by consumers to obtain rest after a hard day’s work. In other words, mattresses are considered one of many relaxation goods that create comfort. They are detailed goods that individuals use for a long period of time and are supposed to give satisfaction in the coziness of lying down on them while guaranteeing a good sleeping experience.

Whilst the amount of good quality sleep is determined by many factors, the quality of the mattresses is one of the factors that has a strong influence on it. However, the reality is that the price of a good quality mattress that guarantees a long-lasting quality sleep is high. Therefore, some individuals opt for cheaper mattresses that do not necessarily guarantee good sleep quality, as price dictates.

There are several studies conducted on the significance of better quality sleep time and its impact on human performance. It is reported that a good sleep enhances attention and concentration, which is important in the learning process, especially among students. Other studies also suggest a strong linkage between the quality of sleep and human memory, by which sleep consolidates or strengthens memories. Good quality sleep also proved to enhance problem-solving skills, which contribute towards the improvement of human output at the workplace.

2. Market Overview

The focus groups formed based on the respondents’ profile and preferences will expect to ascertain the number of focus groups and their respective gender profile. The discussion session will involve a group of Perth-frequent travelers. They should be able to conduct actual sharing based on the experience of visiting Australia. They should also be able to provide real feedback from a consumer’s perspective. Lastly, they are familiar with the discussion context with respect to Saatva Limited’s market positioning.

Simmons (SEA) Pte Ltd has engaged a market research firm to conduct the “Comparative Analysis of Aussie Single Mattresses in Singapore Market” study. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the suitability and marketability of Aussie single mattresses in Singapore, as well as their packaging, design, and services. The study consists of 2 components. The first component is aimed at the analysis of Aussie single mattresses in Australia to determine the best type of mattress for the Singapore market. The second and main component is to demonstrate the best type of Aussie single mattress in focus groups consisting of Singaporean respondents. Their feedback will provide useful information to Saatva Limited to strategize its mattress launch in Singapore.

2.1. Overview of Mattress Industry in Singapore

The industry analysis based on Porter’s (1980) five forces model suggests that the competition in the mattress industry in Singapore is intense. With the huge demand and number of established players, manufacturers are engaged in price wars to gain a larger market share. Customers’ purchasing decisions are usually influenced by several market drivers. However, little research has been done on understanding the relationship between the influential factors of Australian single mattresses in the Singapore market. With the lack of empirical research in the area of study, this paper aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on this subject.

The mattress industry in Singapore is a multibillion-dollar industry. There are approximately 20 furniture retailers in Singapore, and all of them carry mattresses. Some of the established players in the Singapore market include Courts, Harvey Norman, IKEA, and V.Hive. Moreover, companies such as Seahorse and Euro-Bed, who are offering budget and value-for-money mattresses, are also doing well in Singapore. With the recent agreements in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA), Australian companies are using Singapore as a base to expand their operations into Southeast Asian markets. With the presence of these agreements, Australian companies are in a favorable position to compete in the liberalized market. Today, products from both countries are freely allowed entry to each other’s market with lower taxes and barriers.

2.2. Key Players in the Australian Single Mattress Market

For instance, they see British and international brands as inferior when, in some instances, even it is come to be reasoned. The brands having their foot standing strong in the Australian market have been for a really long time and have some excellent updated technologies. They prefer Australian-made spring coil systems to offer a supreme long-lasting feel and comfort in their products, service allowance, value to be offered, and have been partners to many customers for facing the hard times. These brands have products of mattresses with nearly 20 years of warranty if we see all of Australian-designed tailored and refined construction techniques, not just higher price tags. Tonnes of fancy international brands have not been able to make their mark against these brands in the Australian mattress market.

These companies mainly inspect the customization processes as per the Australian standard sizes. Will there be any changes in the mattress? This mainly includes the weight, dimensions like the length, breadth, and the height, surface treatment, Textiles Labelling, and the firmness in comfort. And according to this, the customization processes for the mattress are also underway. The big players in the Australian mattress market mainly deal with the approach of making a range of custom-grade styles with access to the latest technologies, having supreme standards for production. Hence, they try to fulfill the requirements of the consumers as well as contract customers of their home-grown products.

The Australian market is big, only big thanks to a few big companies. These big companies operate in Australia with a strong foundation to cater to the Australian market’s demand. These companies are proud of owning more than 20 showrooms and more than 5 factories in Australia for the production of their own products. The employees working in these companies are quite professional and their processes are quite efficient to cope up with the Australian market’s demand.

3. Product Features and Specifications

The Aussie single mattresses are the finished products of the “Designer Range”. Each set contains an Aussie single mattress designed with a total coil count of 700 to 1360 that exerts a spring level of 3 to 4. For these ranges of needs levels, the material is labeled as SealyFiber™. Each set contains an Aussie single mattress designed with a total coil count of 238 to 320 that exerts a spring level of 4 to 6. For these ranges of needs levels, the material is labeled as SealyFiber™. The edge system types of Aussie single mattresses include the “StableEdge” and “UniCased” limits. At the top, we also presented the core/support system, quilt/comfort, and embroidery/label information. The top materials of Aussie single mattresses include the double design features, including UltraTouch™ and Comfort Layers. Each of these Aussie single mattresses has multiple supports in different parts of the bodies and is also ideal for usage in different households. Such a mission of Aussie single mattresses should be effectively reflected in the advertisement.

To produce a comprehensive comparative report of single mattresses, first, we should make a thorough understanding of the features and specifications of each type of product. Here, the information about features and specifications of Aussie single mattresses in the Singapore market will be based on those available at its respective official website and is extracted for comparative analysis. Some owners also share their personal opinions and experience in blogs, chat forums, or marketplace webpages. We will use dual specifications, being the structural levels and product finish features, as the cost and performance determinants of each Aussie single mattress.

3.1. Common Features of Aussie Single Mattresses

To compare and contrast the Aussie single mattresses, the first objective is to find out the common features of the mattresses we have at the moment. Features here refer to the materials being used, the way it is produced, the function to the customer, as well as the features that are able to capture the consumers’ attention so that they are willing to purchase the mattress. The common features can be identified for making such a comparison. The next chapter, Comparative Analysis of Aussie Single Mattresses in the Singapore Market, compares and contrasts these mattresses. Further recommendations can be found in Chapter 6. Due to the restricted word count of the dissertation, the limitation of the study section and the referencing section are established in the last chapter.

We notice that Aussie single mattresses present similar features: wool, latex, springs, and organic-related aspects. And also, the features are rather modern than being conventional. Some mattresses are even equipped with fabric damask, knitted fabric, and Euro-top design, the features that we have not received any understanding of. Most websites can explain the features of their products adequately. However, for a few websites, especially Harvey Norman website, not much information is given out about the features of their Aussie single mattresses. And also, it is found that some websites explained about the layers used in the mattresses, and also the related items such as low profile, bed protector, etc. Further study should include more sample sizes first.

3.2. Size Variations and Standards

In many countries, the dimensions of mattresses, traditionally linked to the bed size and type, are generally based on custom and practice and vary significantly. In most countries including the USA, bed and mattress sizes are standardized and are determined individually by professional industry trade associations. These manufacturers are then used to producing a limited range of mattress sizes. However, defining a universal mattress size that could be uniformly adopted throughout the global hotel industry presents a daunting task. There is a broad range of diverse people and preferences worldwide. Industry standards used within the United States and Australia have been considered.

Mattress dimensions can have significant variability across manufacturers and geographies. A study found that mattress sizes of four commercial international hotel chains were not consistent with a clear trend of size reduction. The study highlights the disconnection between conventional bed and mattress standards and the bed comfort appliance (mattress) sizes that are actually supplied for customers in the hospitality industry. In summary, these findings highlight the need for more accurate bed and mattress size information to be made publicly available. More research is necessary to identify customer experience expectations with mattress size and dimensions across the customer journey, at a room level and sub-regional economy level. The minimal size dimensions that are actually expected can lead to the development of a normalization mattress structure size – in turn providing significant sustainability benefits.

4. Price Comparison

The storage of ranking and price information after sales was performed in the same way as that of single mattresses. It should be noted that to purchase Aussie mattresses in any Aussie online platform, the shipping costs and packaging costs usually amount to more than $500 give the mattress’s quality a discount, which is considered to be more cost-effective compared to mattress purchases from mattress specialty stores in Singapore.

The price range for Aussie single mattresses is slightly higher than that of the single-size mattresses. This difference is due to the higher prices reflected in the online sales platform, including Singapore, besides the retail prices of Aussie single mattresses that are slightly higher than single mattresses, which in turn not every single mattress sold in Singapore can be found in Taiwan’s retail sales platform. In addition to the few single mattresses from John Cootes in Taiwan retail platforms, the prices of remaining single mattresses are only seen in the Aussie retail platform. Only a few of the Aussie Single Mattress Online Sellers present the sales information of single mattresses. Compared to the presence of singles-selling, selling of doubles in Aussie is relatively unpopular.

4.1. Factors Affecting Pricing

Up-to-date marketing strategies and attractive visual displays on prime location of the store and advertising fliers are contributing to a high relocation on the customers in Malaysian mattress market. If consumers lack in knowledge, they were easily influenced by price. A retailer can hardly lose out on price competition, because the availability of similar product type in the market which could be purchased by consumers as substitution and the services demanded by the retailer are hard to differentiate. Brand image is also an important input factor that provides strength in pricing policy, and from the competitive viewpoint of the consumer, it allows the differentiation of a variety of products. Price can be also influenced by the brand name of the product where consumers usually relate the price charged with the name of the product.

There are a number of factors that can affect the ultimate price of a particular mattress. Marketing strategies engaged by the retailer, such as perceived value, is one of the most important corollaries to quality of a product and is acting as the major stimuli in the purchase decision process of consumers. A high price for a particular product is often linked with quality and vice versa. There are some factors used by Malaysian consumers which are very influential in the purchase decision making process such as advertising fliers, displays on prime location of store and wide range of selection. These factors and lack of knowledge on mattress may lead to higher margin being charged by the retailers. A retailer will also take into consideration the changing cost, market growth, consumer tastes and preferences when setting the price for their products, which are additional factors.

4.2. Price Ranges of Aussie Single Mattresses in Singapore

Of the ten sellers in the Singapore market, six of them offer the Aussie single mattress below $501. Despite the low price, the mattresses still provide a variety of mattress types suitable for customers to choose from. From figure 13, available brands offering mattresses in this price range are also Lewis House, Sleepy Night, Snooze, Aboriginal Art Trader, and Valerian mattress. Once again, Lewis House covers the much wider mattress range in this price category.

In considering the Aussie single mattress, there were some interesting price ranges in the Singapore market. The price of an Aussie single mattress in the Singapore market is divided into four main categories: $500 and below, $501 to $1000, above $1001, and finally for promotion mattresses. Within this division, Lewis House also provides the Aussie single mattress ranging from $119 to $999, which is the widest range offered in the Singapore market. Hence, there is a competitive market on sales of Aussie single mattress in Singapore.

5. Consumer Preferences and Trends

These specialty shops provide customers privacy, the benefit of a quieter environment, and the chance to take their time choosing the right mattress. Special promotions are offered for installment payments, even for credit card holders. Premium promotions and discounts may be given to stimulate small and medium purchases. Warranty periods and guarantee periods for different foam and spring mattress items are also offered. This allows customers to return the product when faced with dissatisfaction, and retailers will then fix or replace the purchased mattress accordingly.

Large shopping malls and electrical retailers have been dominating the local market and attracting a large number of Singaporean and expatriate customers to purchase mattresses and sleep accessories. Up-market retailers with high quality and friendly customer services tend to stress high technology and special features of their mattresses, showing a preference for therapeutic and back-care attributes. Staff will offer guidance based on customers’ sleep needs and provide information on pillow selections. As consumers become more well-informed and increasingly concerned about their quality of sleep, internationally recognized mattress brands have been moving into the local market. Customers may find well-known satellite mattress outlets or sleep shops located mainly within shopping malls.

5.1. Factors Influencing Consumer Choices

For the present study, a framework to assess a range of factors to consider among consumers buying single mattresses from the available offerings in the Singapore market was mainly premised on social, demographic, and marketing factors. This study was prompted by options that individual Aussie companies were faced with when considering targeting the Singapore niche. It is pertinent to the study that Aussie companies know what consumers want in addition to what companies feel is the unique selling proposition. At the most fundamental level, the product has to satisfy a consumer need. How can an Aussie company make an impact by filling a perceived void within the niche? It is hence necessary to understand what consumers need and want, which calls for a profiling of the Singapore market and an understanding of how important the different attributes consumers seek.

The consumer is now inundated with choices given present-day affluence and variety of needs. To attract the consumer, there is competition amongst retailers who are vying to create a shopping environment frequently with such ‘inspirational’ presentation that it overshadows the original purpose of the visit – that is to make a purchase. In order to differentiate products and create an image, shopping malls and retail stores offer a more limited choice of products, thereby acting as a deliberate block in the case of excessive choices of products. To tap into the Singapore market, it is no longer just what the person in the street wants but also the corporations who, as corporate consumers, are buying in bulk because there is a general understanding that better sleep means improved performance and productivity.

5.2. Trends in Aussie Single Mattress Purchases in Singapore

According to eBay Australia, shipping is calculated by the buyers as an import duty and will never observe a better lower sellers’ cost of return and get a contact number of the seller who offers a free delivery. As per the latest Mirabing purchases old admin March 2021 with a complete transaction under my eBay single bedding purchases completed but with no history of Aussie single mattress purchases in eBay in 2018 or 2019 signed to make a better observation. In fact, the majority of eBay Australia registered buyers did not take a close look over the popularity of one seller with a total of 193 single-mattress listed in-store.

Surprisingly eBay Australia does not sell shorter length single mattress which is approximately 1830 mm long and offer only three – brands new condition single mattress drops and 45-selected short single mattress. The majority of advertisements on eBay Australia – offer a higher or queen-size mattress with just slightly more than half than the selling price. Should delivery in the Brisbane metropolitan area only, the selected first level and drop a single mattress listed on eBay Australia will require an installation time of 4.7 days and an average of $21.53 round shipping cost.

The following is the latest data that we can get from eBay Australia as per screenshot in 2020 where the average delta of the selling price is at $354 based on a simple average of the lowest price variation and hence only consider the cheapest market price.

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