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Career Advancement Pro Tips

Imagine your office.

  • Who is the person who is always shooting down all the ideas?
  • Who is the person who is always missing their deadlines?
  • Who is the person who always takes credit for work?

Indeed, there will be so many names popping up just a moment after reading this. If you haven’t given them a name yet, let’s help you provide a name for such people. They have a “terrible attitude”. Would you want to be such a person? Clearly, you won’t since it won’t help you with career advancement. This is why having a positive attitude is so important. 

In fact, as per the Mayo Clinic, the power of positive thinking helps you with health benefits which transfer with you at your workplace. If you think having a positive attitude only enables you to lower your stress levels, don’t forget that it will help you stay more pleasant to be around. 

And that means you are up for a career kickstart in the right direction. Many surveys worldwide confirm that having a bad attitude can result in mess ups at work. Further, employers don’t care about tech skills if you don’t have the right attitude towards your job, managers, and other employees. 

But how do you know whether you have a positive attitude? Let’s dive deeper and learn more about the types of positive attitude, why it is important, and how you can maintain them for career success.

Positive attitude for career advancement: What is it?

A positive attitude is simply having the right approach to dealing with difficult circumstances. There are different aspects of having a positive attitude at work. So, if you are wondering whether you are one, the following aspects must be a part of your personality. 

You stay hopeful: It means staying focused on your goals and changing your paths whenever you think you must become the Next Big You. Hope is about perseverance. It means that you look through difficulties and believe that you can find a way to advance your career. 

You stay optimistic: You believe there will be the best possible outcome of any decision, and the negative consequences will be temporary. Optimism is about analyzing the components that led to failure, owning them, and finding ways to turn them into positive outcomes. 

You are resilient: It means you can bounce back from difficult circumstances. It means you are willing to stay engaged and try to influence the outcome of challenging times by thinking about it as an opportunity to learn. 

You are confident: It is about being confident that you can overcome challenges by taking control of the situation. 

If you think you have all of them, it’s your lucky day! If not, it’s time you maintain a positive attitude at work to advance your career or take help from career Development program. Here’s why you must learn the skills to maintain a positive attitude.

Why is a positive attitude important in a workplace?

Studies confirm that employees with a good attitude are usually more satisfied at work, have better relationships with their coworkers and are often ahead of others when it comes to promotion. 

Having a positive attitude helps you feel more relaxed and joyful, which often results in better overall health. In short, your body stops sending flight or fight responses when you face challenges at work. Studies confirm that you are 20% more productive when you have a positive attitude at work. Hence, the chances of career advancement increase significantly. 

Further, having a positive attitude allows you to become a leader, where you become the first point of contact for everyone. In fact, it is one of the top 10 traits employers look for in a new hire. After all, this breeds productivity, and you are easy to work with. 

Top Ways to Maintain Positive Attitude at Work

  1. Don’t react but respond

You must tone down your reactions with level-headed responses if you want a positive attitude. It is imperative when something upsetting happens. It will never be better if you react in anger. This is how you can make it happen.

  • You can move towards your cubicle, stairs, or a cubicle to compose yourself.
  • You can close your eyes and take deep breaths to calm your body. You can picture your happy place and feel the same.
  • You must view the event through the lens of all the participants involved. 

Once you feel calm, you will start looking at the situation with much more positivity than you are usually in certain situations. 

  1. Seek a positive person to be a positive person

Ever heard the saying “birds of a feather flock together.” This phrase could be viewed in different ways. For instance, people with similarities find each other or people in a group become the same over time. 

This is why having positive people around is so important. You often mimic their behaviors and attitudes when you hang out with such people. Connect with people who like their job, are always coming up with new ideas, and do many things besides work. By doing so, you will change your entire outlook over a period of time. By doing so, you will foster a thriving environment.

  1. Be Kind towards your colleagues 

More than 40 hours of life you spend with your coworkers. It is like your second family. So, if you cultivate positive relationships, it will be nothing less than any investment. The benefits are huge. You have someone to rely on at work and make good friends. Such social connections allow you to do good at work. 

In other words, you will always put teamwork first. A simple effort will help you improve the experience and increase your positive attitude around the workplace. According to the Journal of Social Psychology, being kind to someone makes you feel happy and boosts you to do better in life. It will improve your life and those around you. 

  1. Change your language 

No we aren’t talking about swearing or being the language police. We are trying to convey this by using the right words when speaking or thinking. Did you know that how you structure your language impacts your perception of the world? This is also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.  

While it might seem like a Career Advancement is hypothesis only, it is true that the language you use and think impacts how you feel about yourself, your work, and those around you. You must find a positive way of viewing everything and everyone to stay motivated at work. 

Final Takeaways

Remember, whenever something is wrong, the first thing anyone says is “stay positive.” Whether you agree or not, such affirmations work well and help you stay away from negativity, especially at your workplace. 

Having a positive attitude at work won’t only help you do a better job, but it will also help you improve the way people view you as a person. They will be inclined to help you succeed and cheer your accomplishments. 

Having a positive attitude is important for many reasons for your career advancement. After all, positivity begets more positivity. Do you agree?

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