8 health benefits of eating roasted peanuts?
Peanuts, which is also famous by the name of Groundnut, is the most consumed nut in the world. Peanuts can be consumed in a variety of ways like rooted, salted, boiled, etc. They are your best companion while watching a movie or walking through the park alone. You can also consume a handful of roasted peanuts as a snack. Unlike other snacks, these tasty peanuts not only suppress your appetite for some time but also contain numerous health benefits.
Nutrients present in peanuts:
A handful of roasted peanuts is filled with so many nutrients that you require to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of them are discussed below.
Peanuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Oleic acids, Linoleic acids, palmitic acids are present in roasted peanuts. Peanuts are also an amazing source of plant-based protein. Protein is one of those nutrients that you will find abundantly in tasty peanuts.
You will find minerals like Biotin, Copper, manganese, Folate, Phosphorous, Thiamine, etc Plant-based compounds like Resveratrol, Isoflavones, etc are found in roasted peanuts. These are also filled with antioxidants like Vitamin E, Coumaric acid, etc.
Peanuts also contain carbs but in a small amount. Only 13-16% of the peanut contains carbs.
When consumed properly, Roasted peanuts can add a lot of health benefits to your body. If you never had the idea of how beneficial tasty peanuts are, here are the top benefits you can avail yourself of by consuming roasted peanuts regularly.
Enhances Insulin sensitivity in the body:
If you were wondering whether roasted peanuts are good for diabetic patients, then I can assure you it is better. Tasty peanuts contain a higher amount of unsaturated fats than saturated fats.
Roasted peanuts help in the improvement of insulin sensitivity in the body, and thus keep sugar levels in your blood stable. Studies have also shown those women who consume roasted peanuts regularly are less likely to develop type-2 diabetes. Make sure you consult your doctor before starting consumption as consumption of too many tasty peanuts can negatively impact your body.
Roasted peanuts also contain low carbs which makes them a good option for diabetic patients.
Maintain heart health:
There is a misconception that the consumption of roasted peanuts is not good for heart health. But that’s not true. Roasted peanuts contain zero bad cholesterol which is the primary reason for cardiac diseases. Consuming peanut butter or roasted peanuts five times a week prevents risks of cardiac diseases and keeps your heart healthy for long.
Prevent arthritis:
Arthritis is one of the most common problems among the middle-aged generation. The main reason for arthritis is the inflammation of the bones. Linoleic acid present in tasty peanuts contains anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains high fiber that reduces inflammation throughout the body.
Consumption of roasted peanuts activates Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor alpha or PPAR-alpha that has a direct link to rheumatoid arthritis. Consuming roasted peanuts regularly helps to improve bone health and reduce the risk of arthritis.
Lowers the risks of cancers:
Roasted peanuts are filled with antioxidants. Including them in your regular diet can help you prevent multiple types of cancers. Carotenoids and Vitamin E present in tasty peanuts minimize the free radical movement of dangerous cells and prevent cancerous cells from growing.
Consuming roasted peanuts daily can protect your body from generating uterine cancer, colon cancer, and several other types of cancers. Eating peanut butter helps to reduce the risk of developing gastric non-cardia adenocarcinoma also known as stomach cancer.
Improve blood circulation and maintain blood pressure:
Roasted peanuts are beneficial in reducing blood pressure and lowering the risks of developing multiple diseases facilitated by high blood pressure. Monounsaturated fats present in the tasty peanuts maintain the blood pressure level throughout the body. And thus consumption of roasted peanuts regularly keeps the ailments of your heart away.
Linoleic acid present in the roasted peanuts stimulates the prostaglandin glands. It lets your blood vessels contract and dilate. Thus the overall blood circulation of your entire body improves and blood pressure stays normal.
Reduce weight:
Yes, you have heard that right. Despite containing high calories and fat, consumption of tasty peanuts facilitates weight loss. Consumption of the right amount of roasted peanuts is a very effective way to control hunger without gaining much weight.
Roasted peanuts are filled with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. That makes your weight loss journey a lot easier by reducing the overall calorie intake. Peanuts are also a great source of energy that improves your metabolic rate and overall digestion system.
A healthy digestive system and a good metabolic rate facilitate the weight loss process. Protein and fiber present in the roasted peanuts can reduce appetite and keep you feeling full for long without craving for anything more.
Keep your skin young and healthy:
Vitamin E is one of the prime components of roasted peanuts. Vitamin E and other antioxidant properties present in tasty peanuts are very helpful to maintain young and healthy skin for years.
Monounsaturated fatty acids present in roasted peanuts helps to reduce bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol level in the body. Thus it improves the health of your skin.
Relief from constipation:
Roasted peanuts contain laxative properties. Daily consumption of a handful of tasty peanuts can provide you relief from constipation.
Conclusion: Now you are totally aware of the incredible health benefits roasted peanuts have to offer. Next time you are craving some snacks, go for tasty peanuts instead of any junk food. They will not only fill your stomach but also add nutrition to your body.
Roasted peanuts are an amazing source of proteins, minerals, plant-based compounds, and antioxidants.
Daily consumption of a handful of peanuts can help you live a long and healthy life. But, be aware of the quantity you are consuming. Consuming too many roasted peanuts daily without maintaining guidelines can negatively impact your body. and Peanuts can help of many problems solve.
Peanuts also contain little food allergens. So you better consult a dietician who can guide you with the daily consumption limit.