Accounting is a pivotal role that will always likely to be huge in demand. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the auditor and accountant job market will grow by 20 percent between 2016 and 2026. Again, they also claim that almost 1.4 million accountants are presently working in the United States.
Even still, students continue to ask themselves, why study accounting? The answer to this significant question seems to go beyond a projected uptick in job availability.
A remarkable career in accounting could open numerous different avenues for you. Qualified accounting professionals are right now in high demand all around the world. An accountant is required to provide information about the financial position and the status of an organization. An organization would never be able to handle financial decisions without the presence of an accountant.
When it comes to your future career trajectory, there are ample reasons why you should pursue a course in accounting. Read on today’s comprehensive guide to find out the importance of pursuing the course to ensure that money is flowing in the long run!
Significant Reasons Why You Should Study Accounting
Accounting Keeps You Organized
As we all know, students can easily keep themselves organized with the help of math. However, there exist few limitations of mathematics that are not adequate to organize the financial resources. Accounting helps you check how much income you have received or spend. Further, it helps students keep accurate track of their debts and save fortunes during their academic sessions.
Helps To Acquire Study Loan
If the words of the stalwarts who caters to ‘do my homework ’ are anything to go by, then without accounting, it becomes excessively challenging for them to get student loan from the banks as they need to demonstrate accountability to repay the interest or loan amount on the assigned due date. It also helps learners evaluate loans, the interest on the loan, the amount of time, and much more.
Can Help Earn An Above-Average Wage
If the federal government’s Job Outlook website is anything to go by, accountants earn around $1,660 per week. This is $200 higher than the national average. Undeniably, when you first enter the industry, you can expect your pay to be much lower than this. However, with time and experience, your earning potential will increase by leaps and bounds.
Various Roles Available Out There
There are more jobs for bookkeepers and accountants than you may realize initially. Like, you could start your career as an Accounts Payable or Receivable Clerk but then move into financial planning or tax accounting. There are even opportunities for becoming a Forensic Accountant and work with law enforcement to detect crimes like embezzlement and fraud.
Work Could Help You Travel Abroad
Language of numbers is a language that’s spoken in almost every country. Working in accounting could open up international travel opportunities for you, especially if you end up working for a global company that has innumerable offices around the world.
Alternatively, a job like an Auditor might require you to visit sites physically that would entail local travel.
Get Hired Immediately
Without a shade of doubt, job opening rates and availability of work are certain top considerations of students while choosing education careers. Accounting is one such job that has the highest and fastest hiring rate.
Universities have consistently found that a majority of accounting graduates land a suitable position within the first six months after graduation or within the first six months after passing out their licensure exams.
Make More Meaningful Contributions At Work
Imagine this. You are in a staff meeting, and the chief financial officer (CFO) wants to discuss the financials of the past quarter. If you have in-depth knowledge of accounting, you will not only be able to comprehend what the CFO is speaking on but also chime in with your own financial insights and opinions.
With adequate accounting knowledge under your belt, you will be able to identify the financial health of your organization on your own. You also can have meaningful insights and put forth suggestions for improvement to upper management.
Wrapping Up,
Accounting has consistently topped the list of best degrees to take in college. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the job outlook for accounting is 11% faster than the average. Also, a study of the Journal of Accountancy in 2013 says that the demand for accounting grads has reached an all-time high. When you complete accounting, you will realize not only can this improve your chances of finding a job after graduation, there also remains innumerable benefits to earning your accounting degree. Here’s wishing all the luck in making an informed decision!
Author Bio
Anna Stevenson is a brilliant finance consultant and an active blogger. A proud member of MyAssignmenthelp.com for 10+ years now, she earned quite the popularity among students for her quality ‘write my assignment’ services and stellar solutions.