6 immediate steps after tyre burst
Tyre is an essential mechanical part of our valuable vehicles. And one of the most common problems that drivers face is the car tyre puncture, and sometimes, the tyre burst while we are driving to some urgent places. The tyre burst always messes it up all, as it is not safe at all to drive with your car’s punctured tyre because it can cause accidents and harm your vehicle too. Tyre burst happens due to these factors: improper road’s condition, high weather temperature, driving at high speed, putting more weight in the car, and non-sufficient air pressure in tyres. You can also fix the punctured tyres from tyre fixers, but most of the time, such incidents happen when no one is around us. So, in the end only you are the to help yourself. Always remember to have a spare tyre in your car’s trunk as standing on the roadside with the punctured car can really be scary.
Here is a 6 step guide to use right after your car tyre bursts:
Immediately park the car at roadside:
If you have been driving with the flow and suddenly you realize that your car’s tyre has been punctured, immediately take your car towards the roadside and park there to avoid the disturbance you can create for the traffic. Place the warning signs around the car to make the traffic aware about your car being punctured, and let them keep going.
Get the tools out of the trunk:
After parking the car on the roadside, turn the car engine off, turn on the hazard lights to make ongoing traffic aware. Make sure you lift up the handbrake, and use 1st gear, if driving a manual car, or use P (Parking) gear, if driving an automatic car. The passengers should be all out of the car to avoid from putting weight on the tyres. Get all the required tools from your trunk, and also the spare tyre too. Place the chocks around the tyres that are diagonally opposite to the tyres you are fixing.
Undo the wheel’s nuts
Before jacking up your car, always loosen all the heel’s nuts and bolts. Let’s start with using the locking key. then take the wheel lever or wrench and start loosening the nuts and bolts. Remember not to use your feet while trying to extend the wheel brace as it can harm you. Most of the car’s nuts get loosened when you move it anti-clockwise. Always keep these keywords in mind that righty tighty and lefty loosey to help you in urgent situations. Stop, when you have slightly loosened the nuts.
Jack the vehicle up:
You need to jack up your vehicle to remove the punctured tyre and replace the new one.
First find the arrow marked jacking point near the wheel. It can be marked with a reinforcing pad. Clear all stones and debris. Fix the jack into the jacking point, and let the flat foot of the jack to touch the ground. Wind the jack till the wheel gets off the road. Be careful with your knuckles. Make sure the jack has been placed straight and parallel. Raise your car high, so that you can easily pull away the punctured tyre.
Pull away the punctured tyres:
After jacking up the car properly, undo the loosen nut of the wheel, totally, and pull away the punctured tyre. Pull out the heavy wheel from the hub, and be careful. If the wheel still gets stuck, use your full power to bring it off.
Replace the spare wheel:
Once you have pulled out the punctured wheel, now you can easily place the spare wheel. You can have the best quality spare wheels from Yallatyres.com. First, slowly slide the nuts and studs of the wheel. Use the alignment tool to line up the holes, if the spare tyre has bolts. Use the tool for the top hole first to help you to line up all the holes. Once all the bots are placed, put away an alignment tool and place the last bolt too. Make sure to tighten all the nuts and bolts properly with the wheel brace. Again, use the jack to lower the car back to the ground. Properly tighten all the nuts and bolts of the tyre, and remove the jack, and put back all the tools in the car trunk. You are good to go.
Find to Garage to fix the punctured tyre, so that you can use it as a spare tyre when you face such an urgent situation next time. There are many tyre offers in Abu Dhabi and many other countries to fix the punctured tyre to use them later.
By following these six steps you can easily get away with the punctured tyre by yourself, without rushing to find the tyre fixers, and sometimes, they are not even available around. Remember, fixing punctured tyres can easily be counted as your major skill. Immediately change the punctured tyre by yourself by following the six steps guide, and save your time. This way you will not only know how to change the punctured tyres, but also you will learn how to act in such urgent situations.