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Yoga – A Natural Cure For Knee Pain

Yoga For Knee Pain

Yoga For Knee Pain

Chronic pain is a common condition that occurs in people suffering from joint pain and arthritis, over-exerting routine, or osteoarthritis. However, there are some simple yoga exercises that not just offer relief from this problem but also prevent joint pain in near future. The only catch is that you need to be regular with these exercises and need to learn the right technique before inculcating it in your everyday life. If you are capable of doing both here are some poses that will help you incorporate yoga for knee pain in your everyday life.

Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend:

Also known as the upvishtha konasana, it is excellent for stretching the inner thigh, groin, buttocks, and back muscles.  It begins with straddling of legs to the widest possible stance. If you are unable to flex the legs to the fullest, you can always follow your comfort level and then go wider as your flexibility improves. Once settled, flex the feet to stimulate the leg muscles while placing both hands on the ground in front. Make sure that the spine stays straight and elongated all along the process. Try to hold the pose for as long as possible and then slowly pull both legs together and bring the knees close to the chest. 

Easy Pose:

As the name suggests, it is one of the easiest poses that are part of most yoga classes. All you need to do this sit down on a yoga mat and cross your legs. Sit down with an erect spine as if you are meditating. Initially, you may feel slight tension in your thighs and knees depending on the extent to which your knees are bent. If you are unable to bend your names as per requirement you can always sit on a blanket or a cushion for extra support.

Try to maintain this posture for a few minutes and get back to a comfortable sitting position. Yoga For Knee Pain is very effective in stretching knees and ankles. It improves the flexibility of the legs especially the muscles located around the knees. Once you have completed a few repetitions of the scores just stand up and take a few deep breaths. 


Also known as the child’s pose it is used to give a gentle stretch to knee muscles. If you want to increase the intensity of this course you can always try to move your bottom towards the heels. If you are a beginner then take a blanket and place it under your knees for extra protection. The second step involves getting on knees and hands while ensuring that both feet are together. And toes are untucked. Your knees need to stay separated in a way that the belly is able to rest between both thighs. Allow your bottom to settle down on the heels and place the forehead on the mat as you extend your arms outwards. Try to hold this position for a few breaths and get back to normal position. Increase the number of breaths as you get comfortable with this pose. 

Chair Pose:

The chair pose is used for strengthening the thigh muscles but on a side note it also helps strengthen the muscles that support the knees. Begin by placing both your feet together and raising the arms up over the head as you join the hands to form a namaskar. In the next step, you need to squat down gently and squeeze the thighs together as you go down. Try to maintain this position with controlled breathing for a few seconds and then stand up normally. As a beginner, you can begin with 5-7 repetitions of this exercise and then gradually increase the duration of each pose as you get comfortable with the squat. 

Supported Half Moon Pose:

Yoga For Knee Pain, this pose is a balancing pose that is used to improve the strength of muscles supporting the knees. To begin with, you need to find an empty wall and a right size block that can be used for support. Then stamp with the back touching the wall as you rotate your right foot up along the wall. Make sure that the bottom of your left foot stays parallel to the wall.  Once settled take the block in your right hand and then gently bend the right knee.  Shift your weight in a way that balances on the right leg. 

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