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Why do you need a Business Plan?

business plan

Making sure you have a well-structured Business Plan may seem obvious, but why is it so important? Here are some reasons:

Selling your business. In case you are discussing the acquisition of your Startup, the Business Plan could be of fundamental importance to help the buyer better understand your business’s value and, therefore, the price of your business.

Preparing business plan is must because without it you cannot achieve your desired goal.

If you to have an exceptional business plan that can help you to outrank your competition and you could achieve your desired goals then you must hire best business plan writers.


If you approach the Business Plan creation with a solid understanding of the key information to include in each section and how each section works to form a coherent, compelling and persuasive project, then the Business Plan creation process will be less painful. You expect!

For this reason, we will now focus on analyzing in depth every single section that usually makes up a Business Plan.

1 – Operating Summary

Think of this section as a trailer for a great movie. A well-made trailer gives you a basic understanding of what the movie will be about and prompts you, with hilarious scenes, to go deeper into watching the full movie. In the same way, the operational summary acts as an overview of the main aspects of your company, showing synthetically the aspects you will go into later. Remember, you are not giving all the precise details about your company and business model. Instead, you provide enough to inform but intrigue the reader, prompting them to investigate further.

The operational summary will be the first Business Plan document to be read, and first impressions are worth more than everything else. So, if we can give you some advice, write this content last. Then, after completing all the other sections, you will have a better overview and all the necessary information.

A good working summary should contain a reminder of these topics:

2 – The Company Description

In this section, you’ll need to give readers a deeper look into your business and its offer. Before your readers worry about things like marketing strategy or the financial aspect, they will want to know two FUNDAMENTAL details that will shape the rest of the Business Plan:

3 – The Description of the Products

In the previous section, you highlighted why your new product offers value to customers by analyzing how it solves their problems. Now is the time to explain in more detail how your product works. It might seem the same, but it’s not the case! Here are some key questions you need to ask yourself at this stage:

4 – Market Analysis

In this regard, we have written an entire dedicated article and, given its importance, we recommend reading it to better understand the topic! Furthermore, if you are interested in this topic, another article, ” How to identify and contact your target customers, “relating to the identification of the customer, may also be useful.

5 – The Marketing Strategy

Now that you have established who your customers are, the question you need to ask is, “how do I plan to reach them?”. This essentially refers to your marketing plan, where you will define the details of how you intend to build your brand and expand your customer base.

You will then need to identify the best channels to do this:

Each channel has a customer acquisition cost, and your job at this stage is to predict and track the cost of each channel. We would like to underline that each channel has a cost, and it is good to specify it. Yes, social media has a cost too!

In this way, you will be able to obtain an initial budget to quantify the overall costs deriving from the different channels chosen.

For more information you should visit business plan consultants.

6 – The Management Structure

In this section of your Business Plan, you will have to present the team and, if possible, indicate each team member’s background. This is because it is fundamental for the achievement of the success of a Startup! As with all other points, you will only have to enter the relevant information here. Investors will probably not care about your degree in art history if you are developing a delivery app.

Each member’s bio should include:

7 – The Revenue Model

Here you will have to answer one of the most important questions for every entrepreneur “How will your company make money?”. If you’re just starting, clearly defining how and what your income will be quite difficult, but showing investors that you have a superficial idea of ​​how you will convert your product or service into sales is crucial to gaining credibility. In defining this model, we recommend that you focus on a few points:

8 – The Operational Plan

The operational plan refers to how resources will be managed to ensure that revenue can be guaranteed.

For this section, we recommend that you focus on a few points:

9 – Financial Analysis

We have finally come to the part least loved by Start uppers: The Financials or financial model!

Here you will have to present the various spreadsheets, tables, graphs, and tools. That communicate to readers your company’s financial (and non-financial) projections in the coming years. Although this part is mainly quantitative, don’t forget to give a short introduction in which you show how you arrived at these numbers.

Some recurring elements in this section are:


Now that you are ready to roll up your sleeves and finally start writing your Business Plan. You can refer to this outline, customizing the various elements according to your specific business. You can also If you need a hand in realizing your Business Plan. Contact us, and we will arrange a video call to help you:

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