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When will you start seeing the signs of pregnancy?

Signs of Pregnancy

It is estimated that more than 40 percent of pregnancies are unplanned. If you know the first signs of pregnancy, you may know in advance that you may have conceived. How to recognize pregnancy at an early stage? When is it worth doing a pregnancy test? Here is an article from one of the best gynecologists in Coimbatore on what to expect during pregnancy 

When are the first symptoms of pregnancy noticeable? 

Early pregnancy symptoms may be noticeable several days after conception. Physiological changes in the future mother’s body take place from the very beginning of pregnancy. The first signs can be very subjective, and each woman feels differently. 

Heartburn, constipation, increased breast tenderness or changes in how you feel do not affect all women. Although those mothers appear, they have different severity and duration. There are also objective symptoms that attentive, expectant mothers can observe fairly quickly after conception. Among them, changes in the cervix and vagina. A certain pregnancy diagnosis is made when the gynecologist confirms the presence of the fetus in an ultrasound examination. 

Women who are aware of the changes in their body during the menstrual cycle can often notice the first signs of conception fairly quickly. Increased body temperature and changes in the genital organs usually allow you to find out about a possible pregnancy in a short time. 

The first sign of possible conception for most women is a missed period. Initially, it may be justified by many factors, such as, for example, excess stress, travel or a lifestyle change. However, delayed menstruation in sexually active women leads to suspicion of pregnancy over time. Women, therefore, perceive the first signs of pregnancy at different times. However, knowing your body well and being aware of the changes that may occur after conception will certainly make you know in advance whether you are pregnant. 

Fertilization Symptoms: When does it occur? 

Pregnancy begins when the sperm fuses with the egg. This requires ovulation, during which the egg is released. During ovulation, you may feel a slight pain in the lower abdomen and a greater desire for sexual activity, which helps to bring partners closer to each other. Some women also notice an improvement in well-being and slight spotting. During ovulation, mucus becomes more sticky and stretchy. Body temperature rises slightly. 

A woman who knows her body and notices the changes throughout the menstrual cycle can often quite accurately determine the time range in which ovulation may have occurred. Fertilization is possible when sexual intercourse takes place shortly before or during ovulation. Moreover, you should be in touch with the best fertility centre in Coimbatore for further details

How can you tell if you are pregnant? 

Early pregnancy symptoms result from hormonal changes that occur from the moment the egg is fertilized. Some women experience mild signs of pregnancy, and in others, the symptoms of conception are very pronounced. So what are the first symptoms of pregnancy? 

Amenorrhea can also be one of the first signs of pregnancy. Some women experience spotting or bleeding several days after conception, which may be confused with your period. In the early weeks of pregnancy, changes in the genital organs are characteristic, which are at least partially self-observable. 

The loosening of the cervix and the increased secretion of thick mucus is a natural protective mechanism for the developing embryo in the uterus. The body thus tries to protect it from possible infection.

Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is also a blue vagina. However, it may not be noticeable until the end of the first month. Pregnancy is the time when the changes also affect the breasts. You may notice their greater tenderness and sometimes even soreness. The enlargement of the mammary gland does not occur until the 2nd month of pregnancy. 

Pregnancy symptoms may be related to the gastrointestinal tract at a fairly early stage. Increased estrogen production slows down intestinal peristalsis and slows gastric emptying. As a result, women may complain of a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and experience reflux or constipation.

An unpleasant burning sensation behind the breastbone may begin in the first weeks of pregnancy and last until the end of pregnancy. Usually, these symptoms get worse as the months go by. You can also notice changes in your mood from the early week of pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you may experience emotional lability, irritability and anxiety. Some women develop sleep disturbances and trouble falling asleep. After the pregnancy is confirmed, psychological changes and the associated magnitude of emotions may intensify. It is perfectly normal to experience ambivalence, stress and anxiety related to the changes taking place. Should follow effective diet for pregnancy

What are the physical changes  during pregnancy time?

Pregnancy also changes the cardiovascular system. The increased blood volume and changing activity of the heart muscle can deteriorate the work of the circulatory system. Water retention in the body, swelling, and later also varicose veins and hemorrhoids are some of the most common problems that arise during pregnancy. While swelling and a tendency to accumulate water may appear already in the first month of pregnancy, varicose veins and hemorrhoids often appear in the second half of pregnancy. Some women also complain of urinating more frequently in the early stages of conception. Changes in the urinary system are not felt in every future mother in such an initial period. Nevertheless, it is a symptom experienced by most women, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. 

Pregnancy test – when to do it? 

In the first days after fertilization, no discomfort is felt. However, the first pregnancy symptoms may appear around the time your period is due. Its absence, especially in conjunction with the characteristic signs of conception, may prompt a pregnancy test. When to do such a test? Preferably on the day, your period is due. 

A pregnancy test earlier than 10 days after conception may result in a false negative. Pregnancy is associated with an increase in the levels of numerous hormones. One of them is the hCG hormone, which grows rapidly from the moment the embryo is implanted in the uterine wall. The level of this hormone must be high enough to be detected on a home pregnancy test. If the manufacturer’s instructions perform the test on the first day of the expected period, its reliability is less than 100%. 

Pregnancy tests are extremely popular. They are one of the most common tests you can do yourself at home. They are convenient to use and allow you to know the result quickly. 

Platelet and stream pregnancy tests differ in how they look and perform. The plate pregnancy test requires the collection of a urine sample into a container. Using a pipette, transfer a few drops of urine to a special place on the test plate. The streaming pregnancy test allows the tip to be placed directly under the urine stream. The pregnancy test is positive when a dash is displayed in both the control and test windows. These lines may differ in colour intensity. Their presence confirms pregnancy. 

If I take a pregnancy test, what is the best time to see a gynecologist? 

Healthy mothers-to-be should make the first pregnancy-related appointment 2-4 weeks after the expected period. Remember, however, that if you suffer from a chronic disease or have had a miscarriage, it is worth contacting your pregnancy specialist  beforehand. In addition, you may need to find the right treatment or change your current regimen to best care for your baby’s development and health.

Pregnancy may be different in each case. For example, one mother will have more symptoms of fertilization, another will have fewer symptoms or will have a different intensity. By knowing the first signs of pregnancy, you can know in advance that you are pregnant and make appropriate lifestyle changes that are beneficial for both you and your developing baby.

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