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What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)?

What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Over the past few years, we have seen the world moving towards better technology for our everyday activities. Technology has opened new doors for everything that we need. The same effects can be seen in the manufacturing units. The industries today are using such high-end technology to create products with accuracy and precision. This process is widely popular as CAM amongst the manufacturing units.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is the procedure of using computing technology and automated software to produce goods and services. This software uses high-tech features to create products with better quality, less rework, and high efficiency. The system enables the manufacturer to produce goods more smartly while having total control over the entire manufacturing process.

CAM helps the manufacturers in the entire manufacturing process starting from planning of the product, to designing, managing, logistics support, and ultimately execution. CAM lays the foundation for Computer-Aided designs (CAD). It aims to improve the traditional manufacturing processes by increasing the efficiency of the system. It targets to make manufacturing smarter with less wastage of resources. This technology has resulted in high accuracy and efficiency at a reduced manufacturing cost.

CAM automated manufacturing processes

CAM has benefited various industries in automating their manufacturing processes using Computer Numeric Control machines (CNC). The following processes were automated using CAM:

Benefits of having a CAM system

CAM has been a turning point for manufacturing industries to create smarter and efficient production systems. Here’s why you must invest in a CAM system:

Disadvantages of the CAM system

Despite the multiple benefits of CAM, every coin has two sides and so does CAM. CAM is an exceptional technology for all manufacturers, but it comes with certain disadvantages such as:

Relationship between CAD and CAM

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and CAM are often seen interchangeably. However, there are differences between the two systems. CAD is used to plan and design the product including all modifications required during the pre-designing stage. CAM is the process undertaken after CAD. The designs created using the CAD system are further converted into the language acceptable by the machine. G nodes and M nodes are used to convert these designs for manufacturing. The CNC machinery further sees these designs to execute the manufacturing process.

Final Words

CAM has revolutionized various industries including aerospace, automotive pharmaceutical, hardware manufacturing, etc. It is an important investment in the current competitive market to gain an advantage over the new entrants. Industries using CAM have various benefits to give them an upper hand in the market. If you wish to upgrade your manufacturing princess by CAM, find the experts now!

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