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What Happens When You Get a Domestic Violence Charge?

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence crimes committed in California follow a specialized set of rules. Article 273.5 of the Penal Code applies to domestic violence crimes and is the most common domestic violence charge.

In California, domestic violence is a crime that targets the alleged victims of crime. For many people who have been charge with a crime, this can be confusing because similar cases carry different penalties for domestic violence cases as every victim is different.

It is not technically an individual crime in Los Angeles, California. On the contrary, it is an element of criminal activity that increases punishment as an aggravating factor.

The consequences of being charged with domestic violence vary in severity, depending on the charge. Depending on the charge, felony or misdemeanor, a domestic violence conviction carries serious consequences, such as firearm restrictions, court-ordered counselling, high court fees and fines, as well as imprisonment.

Role of Domestic Violence Attorney 

Hiring the right Los Angeles, domestic violence attorney is the most important decision you can make. A false accusation can be dismissing if the appropriate attorney employs a carefully planned strategy.

The seriousness of the domestic violence allegations and subsequent charges cannot be stress enough. It is a serious crime that carries serious penalties and can affect you for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is good to hire an experienced Los Angeles attorney who thoroughly understands California law.

A California criminal attorney can help you save yourself and protect your future against the harsh penalties of a domestic violence conviction. Domestic violence crimes committed in California follow a specialized set of rules.

Article 273.5 of the Penal Code applies to domestic violence crimes and is the most common domestic violence charge. Spousal assault in violation of Section 243 (e) (1) of the Penal Code and simple assault with injuries are less serious crimes included in a domestic violence charge.

You can find domestic violence attorneys near you by visiting law firms or doing research on the internet for your case. 

Court Sanctions for Domestic Violence in California 

In addition to judicial sanctions, various consequences can significantly affect the life and livelihood of the accused. Some of the serious consequences faced by the culprit are as follow.

Loss of Employment or Employment Opportunities

Issuance of A Protection Order

Immigration problems 

Hope this article is helpful to understand the consequences of domestic violence charges faced by a person in California.

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