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Rhomboid Muscle Pain: Causes & Solutions

rhomboid muscle pain and description

rhomboid muscle pain and description

Are you suffering from troublesome pain between your shoulder blade and spine? Regardless of whatever therapies you perform, it does not go away. This particular pain is usually regarded as an issue with your rhomboid muscle. However, when we talk about fixing the pain, it is slightly related to the rhomboids. Hence, if you want to know the Rhomboid Muscle Pain Causes and Solutions, visit this reform health

How to Trace the Pain? 

The Rhomboid Muscle Pain is usually experienced in the upper side of the backbone, where shoulder blades are connected to the ribs and spine. If you are suffering from this pain, you will not maintain a good posture. 

Some people may also feel it under the neck between the shoulder blades and the spinal cord. A rhomboid strain can be handled with sharp pain. Other symptoms include soreness in the upper back, a pop or crushing sound when you move the shoulder, stiffness, inflammation, loss of movement, trouble moving, difficulty while breathing. 

What are the Causes of Rhomboid Discomfort? 

You may experience this pain due to bad sitting posture or sitting for long periods. If you develop injuries due to strain, overstressing, or muscle tear, you may also experience the discomfort of this muscle. Sometimes, sleeping on the same side also leads to this pain. 

How Can You Treat the Pain? 

If you are a victim of this pain, you must rest and avoid any activity that may trigger the pain. Hence, it will help you recover faster. Therefore, the first treatment is regarded as the RICE method: 


You should relax your arms and shoulder as much as possible. Also, you should avoid activities that involve the use of these muscles. 


Try another effective remedy to treat this condition. You should ice your shoulder or affected area immediately after the pain. Repeat this many times in a day. 


If you consult an expert, they will recommend wrapping up the affected area in a compression bandage to relieve inflammation. 


Lift your shoulder and chest. And when resting, you should support it using pillows. 

If pain and swelling are bothering you, you should take over-the-counter pain killer medicines. You can apply topical pain relievers like gel, cream, or sprays to ease the pain. Make sure the pain relievers have little or no side effects. Talk to your doctor about this. 

Besides, applying essential oils thinned in a carrier oil can also relieve sore muscles. After you have been using ice for a few days, you may try heat. For this, a heating pad or warm compress is the best solution. Apply the heat source for at least 20 minutes (several times in 24 hours). You can shift between hot and cold therapies for the best results. If these remedies don’t work, you should immediately contact a physiotherapist. 

7 Exercises to Ease Rhomboid Pain 

Some exercises and workouts can help ease the rhomboid pain. If you practice them regularly, you can recover soon and also avoid pain from returning. You should ensure that you don’t feel any discomfort or strain while exercising. The best way is to properly rest before starting these exercises. Strenuous movements are prohibited. 

Shoulder Blade Crush 

Rhomboid Stretch 

Side Arm Stretch 

Upper Back and Neck Stretch 

Neck Spins 

Cow Face Pose 

Locust Pose 

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