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Making a Restaurant Marketing Plan for Any Sized Business

What restaurant owner has time to think about new marketing strategies?  Managers have their hands full, from planning to managing inventory to reviewing day-to-day transactions.  Although restaurant management occasionally brainstorms marketing ideas, these plans can easily go by the wayside.  There is too much to do daily and too little time to do.

Unfortunately, the restaurant industry can no longer afford to minimize its marketing objectives.  Yet, marketing plans are essential in an age of social media posts, online reviews, an oversaturated market, and a tough economy.

A successful marketing campaign can help attract new clients, maintain current retention, and increase results.  Additionally, a struggling restaurant can implement good marketing strategies to maintain a competitive edge and overcome external challenges.  So how should a small business owner get started?

Read ahead for a detailed, step-by-step guide to creating a restaurant plan.

1.  Restaurant Marketing Plan Use Social Media

Once the owner identifies a target market, they must develop a social media marketing strategy this is which you will see mostly done by Peranakan Restaurants. Instagram and Facebook are the most widely used marketing platforms for most businesses.  Owners should research the platforms their clients use most frequently and concentrate on those.  Here’s what to know about effective restaurant marketing on the most popular media.

2.  Restaurant Email Marketing Plan

Email marketing gives owners access to the perfect customer.  This includes people who have already signed up for an email newsletter or updates.  Or, they may be customers who have dined at the establishment once or twice.

Because these potential customers are already interested in the restaurant business, it is quite easy to market to them.  Nevertheless, email marketing requires a comprehensive marketing strategy.  Restaurant owners who send discounts, promotions, and other incentives to every email address on the list have a better ROI.

The goal is to send high-quality content that will bring in new customers weekly and lead to more repeat business.  Unfortunately, users who see the message as spam and have no reason to open it moves the email to an unwanted box.

Tips for improving email marketing campaigns:

3.listsRestaurant Marketing Plan Optimize the website for the

Owners should optimize the restaurant site for Google search or any other search engine.  When users type in keywords like Orange County Italian Restaurant, the restaurant’s website should appear on the first page of search results.

To ensure this happens, owners should update Google My Business regularly and bid on brand-matching keywords.  Also, the restaurant site should include a blog and other descriptive content with specific keywords.

Some restaurants hire an SEO specialist or redesign their website to increase their rankings.  This is especially useful if the owner has limited experience with engine optimization or responsive web design.

4.  Restaurant Marketing Plan Create Video Ads

Video ads are very flexible and reach a wider audience.  Each video should convey the restaurant’s brand and customer experience.  Successful videos include interviews with staff or customers, cooking videos, or a message from the manager.

Regardless of the type of video, owners need to make sure it connects with potential customers on an emotional level.  Using visuals and other images is also important, as these appeal to potential restaurant customers more than words alone.

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5.  Restaurant Marketing Plan Mail Out Menu

Another good media marketing strategy is mailing a menu to local customers.  Owners can send personalized coupons or promotions with the menu to entice customers to try the establishment.

Small customers can ask a few employees to drop off menus/coupons at another small business or apartment complex.  It saves money and is a good way to network with business owners in the community.

Tips for creating direct mail coupons:

Don’t forget the children.

Top Restaurant Marketing Plan Takeaways

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