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Invisalign Tips You Need to Know

Invisalign aligners, also known as Invisalign retainers, are clear plastic mouthguards that slip over your teeth and are almost invisible. For the aligners to apply pressure on the teeth and your retainer to maintain them in their new locations, a precise fit requires. Although your aligners and teeth will be separate this also means that anything on or within your aligners (bacteria, plaque, fluids, food particles, etc.) will get stuck between them.

Invisalign retainers and trays can be kept clean. And fresh for a long time if you know how to clean them. Let’s put that information into action.

1 Before You Eat, Take Off Your Invisalign Aligners

You should take your clear Invisalign aligners out of their mouths before eating anything. This is because food particles are likely to adhere to your trays while you are eating. Over time, this might promote the development of germs and the formation of plaque. By taking your aligners out of your mouth while you eat, you may avoid developing future issues such as gum and periodontal disease. As soon as the meal is over, you may put your aligners back in your mouth again.

2 When You Take Your Aligners Out, Be Sure To Clean Them Well

Every time the Invisalign aligner trays are remove, they must be thoroughly clean. They are not, however, cleanable with a conventional toothbrush and toothpaste combination. Instead, aligners must cleaned with a specific detergent and immerse for many hours before use. We also suggest that you use lukewarm water rather than hot or cold water since hot or cold water will deform the cloth.

3 Keep Your Aligners Safe And Secure In A Case

As a result, it is essential to keep your aligners in good condition since any alterations to the trays might have an impact on your orthodontic treatment. When you are not using your aligners, you should store them in a protective case to preserve them from being damage. A case may also help to prevent the growth of dangerous microorganisms. We recommend that you maintain a spare case at work, school, and other locations where you often go in case your primary case is lost or forgotten.

4 Floss And Wash Your Teeth After Every Meal.

Before putting on their Invisalign trays, one should clean and wash their teeth thoroughly. If you wear your aligners before brushing your teeth, saliva may not be able to wash away food particles from your teeth. Plaque accumulation and gum disease are also possible consequences of this. Practice proper oral hygiene and continue to come in for regular dental cleanings at your choice of dental practice on an as-needed basis.

5 Avoid Certain Foods And Drinks 

Drinks containing dyes have the potential to discolour your Invisalign aligners.

Dark sodas, coloure juices, and other beverages with a strong colour should only drunk after your trays have been remove. Before placing your aligners back in place, you should also rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. If you have any queries regarding what foods are safe to ingest, you should visit our dental practice cardiff for consultation. During your first meeting, we will be able to present you with a more comprehensive list.

What Is The Recommended Frequency Of Cleaning Aligners?

Cleaning your aligners should accomplish on a nightly basis, generally at the same time as brushing and flossing your other teeth. Food, debris, and germs that have to accumulate naturally over the day are remov as a result of this procedure.

Additionally, you may clean your Invisalign aligners if they get obviously filthy, such as if you unintentionally drank something that wasn’t clear while wearing them or if you put them on too fast after eating something sticky. It is recommended that you rinse your aligners every time you take them off in addition to more intensive cleaning procedures. Even though you replace your aligners every two weeks, it is still important to clean them well.

If you do not follow these instructions, your aligners may get discolour (making your teeth seem yellow) or you may develop foul breath. In addition, you’re constantly exposing your teeth to bacteria that have accumulated over time.

Invisalign Aligners: Cleaning Vs Rinsing 

It’s important to remember that there is a difference between cleaning and rinsing when it comes to Invisalign. Washing your aligners may make them look cleaner, but you haven’t done anything to address the germs that may accumulate under the surface of your aligners.

Cleaning Supplies Are Available

Invisalign offers a “Steraligner” device that includes a tray. Rubbing alcohol and sodium bicarbonate, which is a natural antibacterial, are among the ingredients.

Wrapping Up 

Invisalign aligners must clean regularly, which is one of the most crucial things to know about these aligners. Even though the aligners design to thrown away every few weeks, they nonetheless need cleaning on occasion. Otherwise, you may have to put on an extremely odoriferous or filthy set of aligners daily. 

By scheduling an appointment with our private dentist in Cardiff. you will learn how to clean and care for your Invisalign aligners. Our staff is delighted to offer you information such as Invisalign Cardiff and tools that will make your orthodontic treatment more manageable and enjoyable. Get in touch with us today to know more. 

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