If you are an engineer dreaming of IMechE membership, then read this blog. Here, we will familiarize you with the benefits of being a member of this organization.
Apart from that, we will also familiarize you with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Membership code of conduct, which means you have to behave as per some set ethics in your professional life. So, let’s start by knowing the benefits first.
Why you should become an IMechE member:
IMechE membership benefits are for supporting your career goals at all stages from college and university, throughout your professional life and through to retirement. Its benefits are given below:
Professional engineering:
With the most recent news and deep in-depth features, you will be in touch with the educational, technical, professional and political matters that may affect engineering, through the IMechE print magazine, mobile app or online news.
Newsletter updates:
You can sign up to email updates of the most recent engineering and Institution news, member updates, volunteering and training opportunities, policy work and regional and industry updates.
Career developer:
You can record, plan and review your CPD with IMechE online tool Career developer; you can handle your professional development at any stage of your engineering career.
Archive and library:
You can have access to over 75,000 textbooks, standards, journals and reports online using access to expert engineering databases and explore IMechE’s extensive Archive.
Webinars and events:
You can boost your understanding of the most recent engineering trends, reports and thought leadership with the IMechE global range of technical events and online webinars.
Engineering challenges:
You will be able to enhance your skills and be inspired by partaking in Formula Student, Home Automation Challenge, Design Challenge, Railway Challenge or the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Challenge.
10% off training:
We have a team of more than 70 business and technical courses that are designed by engineers, for engineers, to provide the knowledge and skills you need to make a successful career. It doesn’t matter what your stage is.
Make your network:
You will be able to have contacts with other engineers near you and build your won professional relations with the support of IMechE membership. Apart from that, you will also be able to find out more about seminars and events happening near you or join a local committee.
Help future engineers:
You can utilize your knowledge and zeal to inspire the next generation of engineers through taking up one of many volunteering opportunities from IMechE.
Pay contribution to the development of professional engineers:
You can play the role of a mentor or an assessor to use your experience to guide others in the development of engineers through their work life.
Engineering awards:
IMechE works to inspire, motivate and celebrate engineers and technicians through its awards and scholarships for both members and non-members.
Support network:
IMechE’s Support Network offers its global members practical advice, financial support and emotional support.
Library and Members’ Hub:
IMechE membership allows its members who are in London to use its Library and Members’ Hub.
Exclusive Member offers:
You can also take help from and have access to expert services to fulfill the needs of you and your business. It includes legal and business advice, insurance, motoring and travel solutions.
Having told you about the IMechE membership benefits, now we are about to familiarize you with some ethics. As a member, you have to stay within some limits and behave ethically. It doesn’t matter what kind of membership you have, follow the guidelines of ethics below:
Work competently and maintain up-to-date skills and knowledge:
- Maintain IMechE professional knowledge and maintain a record of continuing professional development.
- Take on professional services in areas of current competency.
- Disclose any related limits on IMechE competency to take up professional work.
- Bear the responsibility of the maintenance of adequate professional indemnity insurance either through the employer or personally.
- You must quantify and limit risk in every aspect of professional work, which includes those working under the IMechE authority.
Act with integrity and respect for others:
- Don’t’ mislead on purpose nor allow others to be misled.
- You must respect confidentiality obligations implied or expressed.
- Review and present engineering proof, theory and interpretation honestly, accurately and without any partiality.
- Avoid fraudulent acts and prevent yourself from corrupt references.
- Reject bribery and record gifts or hospitality taken.
- You need to declare conflicts of interest.
- Never implicate the Institution in written or oral correspondence.
Promote sustainability:
We must engage with responsibility with the environment
- Balance the requirements of the present with the requirements for future generations.
- Consider the requirements of a diverse environment, while never deliberately or exploiting natural resources.
- Be in harmony with obligations for health and safety and environmental protection.
- Recognize the value of socioeconomic and environmental factors.
Exercise engineering leadership:
We must pay a positive contribution to the public perception of the profession
- Pay contribution to public discussion on engineering matters within own competency area and in an objective, truthful and clear way.
- Take positive action when encountering unmanaged risk or malpractice.
- Help and promote diversity within the industry.
- Support and advocate the extension of ethical practices and respect the reputation and rights of others.