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How to Reduce Period Pain at Home

home remedies for period pain

home remedies for period pain

The periods are a part of the menstrual cycle where a woman bleeds for 3 to 5 days or more. The cycle takes place between 25 to 30 days.  The menstrual cycle is several changes that a female goes through every month which makes pregnancy possible. The body prepares itself every month for pregnancy and builds lining against the ovarian wall. The changes are controlled by the increases in hormone levels and the production and the structures of the uterus changes. And when the lining breaks out due to no intimacy or various reasons, it releases in periods of 3 to 5 days. The periods come along with premenstrual syndrome which brings intense cramps and mood swings. There are various home remedies for period pain that can be used to calm the period symptoms. And in worse cases, you can look up to the Best Gynecologist in Mumbai for better advice.

What causes period cramps?

Period pain is caused by the contractions of the muscles in the uterus and it releases the hormone i.e, prostaglandins which enhance the period symptoms. An increase in hormones increases the contradiction and sheds the lining. Periods of pain are experienced by people younger than 30 years of age. They have a heavy flow during the periods and have irregular bleeding. You might have a history of severe pain in the family and a female who smokes.

Symptoms of the period of pain

The period is a part of the month when females bleed for a few days. The increase in the hormone in the body tends to cause hormonal and behavioral changes in the female. Research conducted stated that some females are very sensitive to the change in hormonal level and the effect is quite intense which results in Nausea, diarrhea, headache, fatigue m mood swings, and lower and thigh pain .some of the other symptoms include.

Home Remedies  for periods of pain

The symptoms of periods of pain are controllable the majority of the time, therefore, the cramps and pain can be addressed at home via home remedies. Home remedies include traditional and modern ways to provide comfort to women during periods. Home remedies can include traditional drink recipes to hot patches. Some of the home remedies for period pains are listed below.

Food that must be avoided –

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea is also effective. Drink twice a day during your periods. The tea increases urinary levels of glycine which is effective in treating periods of pain and symptoms.

Fennel seed: A study was conducted in 2012 where women in the age group 15 to 24 were treated with fennel seed powder 3 to 4 times a day and it readily helped in curing symptoms. 

Ginger – Ginger tea is very effective against cramps and other symptoms. They are as effective as ibuprofen. Ginger provides heat to the body. You can make ginger tea by adding a few chunks of ginger into water and boiling it. You can consume twice a day for better results.

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes, it can be difficult for you to control symptoms of period pain with natural remedies. If you observe the following symptoms, then you can see a doctor for better guidance and results.


Periods can be very painful in some situations. Periods are the time of the month when females bleed with certain premenstrual syndrome. When the inner lining breaks down, the blood is in the vagina for 3 to 5 days a month. During this time, there is an increase in hormones which enhances the contradictions between the muscles of the uterus. The contradiction between the muscles causes intense pain and other symptoms. They suffered from nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, abdominal pain, pain in the lower back and thighs, and mood swings. Since they occur every month, you can use these home remedies to relive period pain and rest of the symptoms. It is necessary to have a regular checks, therefore, click here to find the best gynecologists in Mumbai for better guidance.

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