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Best antihistamine for vertigo


Vertigo is a spinning sensation or a feeling that your surroundings are moving even when they’re perfectly still. Vertigo often presents with dizziness, lightheadedness, or feelings of disorientation. It is often caused by problems in the inner ear, & sometimes, problems in the brain. The most common type of vertigo that people experience is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.

These calcium crystals, also called otoliths, are motion-sensitive, thus they cause problems with the balance & orientation of the body. Vertigo treatment also depends on the exact cause of your vertigo, your medical history, & a general overview of your symptoms. An accurate vertigo diagnosis is the first step towards effective Vertigo treatment. Your doctor may give you certain medications & treatment procedures to help relieve some common symptoms of Vertigo. These include medicines for dizziness, vertigo, nausea, motion sickness, etc.

In most cases, Vertigo resolves on its own, without any need for medical intervention. In situations where it doesn’t happen, patients might need to seek specialized vertigo treatment. Depending on your exact diagnosis & medical history, your doctor will determine a specified vertigo treatment plan for you.  For effective Vertigo treatment & resolution of symptoms, you must stick to the plan your doctor has recommended to you.

Vertigo symptoms:

Vertigo symptoms vary across all patients, and every individual might also present with different symptoms.  However, there are certain vertigo symptoms that are common across almost all vertigo patients.

These vertigo symptoms include:

Vertigo causes:

Vertigo causes include inner ear issues, infections, injuries to the head, neck, or the ear, inflammation of the vestibular nerve, & certain vestibular disorders. These include Meniere’s Disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, & some central nervous system disorders. In some cases, a problem with the brain or the central nervous system is the reason for your vertigo symptoms.

Dizziness could also be the side-effect of some prescription medications that you’re taking, or a side effect of some surgery in the inner ear region. Certain central nervous system disorders like Multiple Sclerosis & brain stem issues may also cause vertigo. In some cases, a stroke or a mini-stroke may also give rise to consistent, recurrent vertigo attacks.

It’s mandatory to accurately diagnose your condition & figure out the exact cause of your vertigo symptoms, to facilitate early, effective, & long-lasting vertigo treatment.

In certain cases, the exact cause of your vertigo symptoms is undeterminable. In these cases, vertigo treatment depends on the severity, intensity, & frequency of your symptoms, along with your recent medical history.

Vertigo treatment:

Vertigo treatment depends on the exact causes of your vertigo, & your recent medical history. As said elsewhere in this article, most vertigo cases seem to resolve on their own without any need for medical intervention. This usually happens as the brain is able to adapt to the loss of the natural vestibular system & make up for it with other senses. For cases that don’t resolve on their own, there are a variety of vertigo treatment options available.

Depending on the exact diagnosis, causes of Dizziness, & the history of your symptoms, a specific vertigo treatment is recommended to you.

These vertigo treatment procedures include:


The type of vertigo medicines your doctor might prescribe will include:



In addition to these, there are other vertigo medicines including Vertin tablets, Stemetil tablets, & Stugeron Forte tablets, that are recommended for Dizziness treatment.










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