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5 Early Signs & Symptoms That You May Be Pregnant

5 Early Signs & Symptoms That You May Be Pregnant

Think you might be pregnant? Or are you trying to get pregnant? How would you confirm your pregnancy? Apart from the missed period, which is the first sign of pregnancy, there are a couple of ways you’re actually pregnant. As per the American Pregnancy Association Poll:

Here are some signs and symptoms moms-to-be experience in the initial days of pregnancy:

#Heartburn and indigestion

During the first trimester, that burning sensation in your chest after you eat something may be a sign that you’re pregnant. Heartburn, indigestion, or reflux is the discomfort and pain caused by acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus. This happens due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach.

What to Do:

#High blood pressure and dizziness

In most cases, blood pressure drops in the early stages of pregnancy, causing you a feeling of dizziness. On the other hand, almost all cases of hypertension in the first trimester indicate pregnancy. The increased blood volume and hormonal changes in your body are responsible for dizziness, lightheadedness, and infrequent fainting. You feel faint when you change position. For example, when you stand or get out of your bed.

What to Do:

#Frequent urination and incontinence

The urge to urinate more frequently starts about two to three weeks after conception. Shortly after you become pregnant, the amount of blood in your body increases, and your kidneys process more fluid than usual. Consequently, you may find yourself experiencing more frequent urination or accidentally leaking while coughing, sneezing, or laughing.

What to Do:

#Mild cramping and spotting

About four weeks after conception, the fertilized egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus. This can cause implantation bleeding, which is similar to a light period. Mild cramping in the early weeks of pregnancy indicates the proper attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus wall.

What to Do:

#Breast changes

Breast changes are common while pregnant, and for most pregnant women, they are the first sign of pregnancy. During the one or two weeks after conception, you may notice that your breasts are:

Some women may also notice a darkening of the skin surrounding the nipples, known as areolas. This happens due to increased blood flow to the breast area.

What to Do:

What Else Could It Be?

Fatigue or tiredness can also be caused by:

A late or missed period, which is the most popular sign of pregnancy, could also be caused by:

Morning sickness or nausea, the second most common early pregnancy symptom, might take place due to:

Swollen or tender breasts, one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, might be triggered by:

Tips to Relieve Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Listed below are some home remedies and self-care strategies to help relieve some of the pregnancy symptoms that may be troubling:

When to get help?

If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, get in touch with your healthcare provider:

Where to get help?

If you’re in trouble due to any pregnancy symptom, don’t hesitate to get assistance from:

There are many early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, but the best way to confirm your pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test at home using a home pregnancy test kit or visit a gynecologist for the same. If you find your pregnancy test positive, schedule a prenatal appointment as soon as possible. The sooner you can get prenatal care, the better!

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